Siamese cat
Fit for allergics: No
Name of the breed: Siamese cat
For families with children: Yes
Difficulty of care: No
Interesting facts about the Siamese cat
- Probably no one thought why Siamese cats have such an unusual color of the body and limbs. The answer to this question is simple, it is associated with temperature-sensitive enzymes, so that a dark color appears on cooler areas of the body and remains pale on warm parts.
- In the 1960s, two Siamese cats in the Dutch embassy in Moscow smelled a rat. The guards noticed that they began to behave unusually. Experts have decided that maybe pets could hear a noise that is not able to catch the ear of a person. A subsequent investigation revealed that 30 spy microphones were hidden in the walls.
- The Siamese cat from Oxfordshire in the UK became the record holder for the birth of offspring. On August 7, 1970, she produced 19 kittens. Unfortunately, four of them were born dead.
- Translated from Thai, the name of Siamese cats sounds like "moon diamond".
- In 1897, President Rutherfor Haze received a Siamese cat, which he named Siam, as a gift. He became the first "ambassador" of the breed in the United States.
Siamese cat (Siamese cat) - loving freedom
If you want to consider a Siamese cat for home, be prepared for an unusual and wayward character. Breed with distrust refers to strangers, to earn its location the cat needs some time.
However, they are very active and sociable, does not tolerate loneliness. With a rather loud voice, the cat will not make you bored.
It should be noted that because of their nature, cats are jealous and families with children should not count on the friendship of a pet and a child. Unconscious actions of the child can cause an unpredictable reaction of the animal.
They are often compared to a dog, as they happily execute commands. One of the pet's favorite activities is to catch mice, they are better hunters.
The first mention of the Siamese cat are found in ancient manuscripts of the 14th century. The true cradle of the breed is Thailand (ancient Siam). Siamese cats were treated with great respect, moreover, they were worshiped believing that they guard the tombs and are guides to the other world. Thais believed that fate was predisposed to people possessing this breed.
There is a legend that when going to bathe, Thai princesses put rings on the tails of their cats, and they in turn twisted their tails to their backs to lose their jewels.
Appearance Siamets
There is hardly a person who, having seen her, will not notice a unique color. The black mask on the face, which she seemed to put on to hide her sky-blue eyes. The dark colors of the limbs on the background of beige shade of wool adds elegance to this oriental beauty.
- The head is small, resembles a wedge, obtained by crediting straight lines from the nose to the upper edge of the ears.
- The eyes are small, slightly slanting, bright blue sometimes greenish. The ears are large, triangular in shape, broad at the base.
- The neck is graceful, long, slightly arched.
- Legs are thin, slender, ending with paws of medium or small size of an oval shape.
- The tail is rather long, thin, narrow at the base, sharp at the tip.
- Short hair tight to the body. View "colorpoint". The color of the body has a light shade, the wool is colored only on points - paws, ears, tail, muzzle. The color of the “points” is different, even and distinguishable against the background of the primary color.
Hygiene and diet for breed
Smooth and shiny wool does not require special care. She handles most of the procedures herself. From the owner’s side, once a week with a soft brush or a wet hand, walk along the pet's fur and this will be quite enough. Care should be taken to water procedures. Due to the lack of undercoat Siamese cats constantly cold.
It is recommended to bathe only if the animal is really very dirty. On dental hygiene it is necessary to focus on the fact that cats often suffer from dental diseases. Using a special toothpaste for cleaning, you will avoid unpleasant consequences.
Be alert to your ears, because of the size of your ears, your Siam ears are prone to inflammation. Veterinarians are advised to wash the ears once a week with a special solution.
Siamese cats are full-bodied. The diet should be chosen from those considerations that the Siamese will not eat anything. Constantly maintain diversity in products:
- Meat: (lamb, poultry, rabbit).
- Fish: (tuna, cod).
Also, your pet will not refuse from dairy products such as cottage cheese or cheese. As for the finished feed, give preference only to the highest quality products. Since siams drink a lot of water, make sure that she has access to clean water.
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