Sphynx cat

Bald cats loved by the whole world. And this is not surprising! Many say that they want to touch and touch their skin, and the friendly disposition makes them excellent pets.

  • Origin Canada, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 1-4 kg.
  • Lifespan 10-15 years


Wool length



Mind and wit

Average cost

0 - 2939 $



Voted: 13


Name of the breed: Sphynx cat

Fit for allergics: Yes

For families with children: Yes

Difficulty of care: Yes

Interesting Facts Interesting Facts

  1. These cats have no mustache.
  2. Their skin is not covered with wool. Because of this, its natural protective barrier is missing. Going out in the sun, you should take care of sunscreen for your pet.

    Sphynx cat

  3. Many owners point to the Sphinx's propensity for colds. This is again due to the peculiarities of its skin. The owners need to create a warm temperature in the place of his residence.
  4. Cat's skin temperature is about 40 degrees.
  5. The skin of the sphinx is very dense and strong, and also has a low sensitivity.

History History of the Canadian Sphynx

It is believed that the first cats with no coat existed back in Aztec times. The ancestors of the modern sphinx were bred thanks to the efforts of felinologists from Canada and France.

Scientists crossed very rare representatives of hairless cats in order to fix this gene in the breed. The first hairless offspring in the history of the Canadian Sphynx was obtained in Canada, hence its name.

Today this breed is officially recognized by all international organizations.

 Description Description of the Canadian Sphynx

Despite external subtlety and fragility, cats of this breed are strong and strong enough.

Their head is more rounded at the skull and tapers to the nose. Her ears are set high and wide. They are large, wide.

Eyes in shape can be compared with lemon. Located wide and slanting.

The body is medium in size. The belly and chest are round. The tail is long, tapers towards the end.

Both fore and hind limbs are long and strong. Well developed musculature.

The central element of the description of the Canadian Sphynx is its skin and wool. Wool, of course, is absent, but sparse hairs on tail, paws, and muzzle may be present. Color is not limited to the standard.

 character Canadian sphinx

Sphinx is an amazing breed. Despite their grace and elegance, they are excellent athletes. Cats can jump in height over a meter!

In addition to their athleticism, they are famous for a lively mind and ingenuity, amenable to learning.

The nature of the Sphynx is very kind. They are incredibly loyal and affectionate. They bind to the owner very strongly and always yearn in his absence.

 care Care for the Canadian Sphynx

By nature, these cats are very clean. They themselves perfectly monitor their hygiene. Nevertheless, the owners should remember that the folds on their body require special attention. They should be regularly rinsed under warm water or wiped with special wet wipes.

In addition, the care of the Canadian Sphynx comes down to washing the eyes, ears, and brushing your teeth. This should be done in order to avoid the occurrence of an infection to which they are so prone due to their physiological characteristics.

 Feeding Canadian Sphynx

The undoubted advantage of this breed is that its representatives are absolutely not picky about food. They can eat whatever you offer them. But this is not worth doing. You should carefully monitor the food, so that your cat has lived a long and happy life.

It is strictly forbidden to include in the diet of feeding the Canadian Sphynx fatty, salty, sweet food. You need to forget about all sorts of baking.

Given the fact that these four-legged animals have an accelerated metabolism and heat release, it requires more food than other breeds. Try to give him super-premium quality food, fish, vegetables, dairy products.

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David    27 December 2020 - 11:16


Je suis de Paris. 

Je cherche à adopter un dwelf, elf ou un sphynx.

Quels sont vos prix ?

Et comment ce passe la livraison ?



28 December 2020 - 09:32

Bonjour, David!

Le prix du chat de la race Sphynx et Dwelf est thès différent. Vous pouvez  consulter le prix dans la secrion des annonces-chats.

La livraison effectue grâce aux courriers professionnel. Vous pouver les trouver dans la section Services-livraison.

26 October 2022 - 08:23

Bonjour David. Nous venons de Russie. Il est très pratique de communiquer dans vatsap c'est un tel messager. Voici mon téléphone + 79611668887. Tu peux m'écrire là-bas. Le prix de la fille est de 500 $ maintenant. Pour l'expédition, vous devez connaître le prix exact.

nadege    8 January 2021 - 19:44

Bonsoir, quel serait le prix pour un sphynx canadien mâle entier bleu ou gris?merc

26 October 2022 - 08:28

Oui, nous attendons pour la nouvelle année des garçons de couleur bleue. Le prix est de 800 $ US.Ecrivez-moi dans vatsap c'est un tel messager voici mon numéro + 79611668887

26 October 2022 - 09:14

l'expédition coûtera 1300 $, le prix total de la fille est 1800$

26 October 2022 - 09:13

l'expédition coûtera 1300 $, le prix total de la fille est 1800$

Tcheksa 51 5920    29 January 2021 - 14:05

Bonjour, dans le prix du sphynx la livraison est comprise ? 

26 October 2022 - 09:15

l'expédition coûtera 1300 $, le prix total de la fille est 1800$

Анюта    26 October 2022 - 08:30

Ecrivez-moi dans vatsap c'est un tel messager voici mon numéro + 79611668887

bonjour. Pas. Les frais de Livraison sont facturés séparément.

26 October 2022 - 09:15

l'expédition coûtera 1300 $, le prix total de la fille est 1800$

Анюта    26 October 2022 - 09:13

l'expédition coûtera 1300 $, le prix total de la fille est 1800$

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