Turkish Angora
Oriental beauty with an incredibly lush, long and thick white hair - all this is about the Turkish Angora. Check out our article to learn more about its extraordinary history and the conditions of its content.
- Origin Turkey, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 3 - 6 kg.
- Lifespan 10-15 years
Wool length
Mind and wit
Name of the breed: Turkish Angora
Fit for allergics: No
For families with children: Yes
Difficulty of care: No
Interesting facts about Turkish Angora
- The most valuable representatives of the breed are cats with different color eyes, namely one - blue, the other - golden.
- Fluffies of this breed are prone to congenital deafness. This fact about the Turkish Angora is more applicable to cats with white wool and blue eyes (about 70% probability).
- According to one of the many legends, these four-legged, in particular their wool, was used as a sanitary napkin for representatives of the upper classes. Due to the amazing properties of their coat, the coat has always remained white.
- Today, finding a purebred cat of this breed will be a great success.
- Many people notice the fact of high intelligence of this breed: they are easily trained in everyday tasks and always strive to communicate with people.
Origin of Turkish Angoras
The history of this breed began with a wild African cat, which was successfully tamed and domesticated. The origin of the Turkish angora was even marked by a genetic mutation, thanks to which today these four-legged ones have their own long fur coat.
From the territory of modern Turkey, it was exported to European countries, where it was widely used in breeding work on the Persian cat. Angora helped improve the quality of Persian wool.
Soon, however, the whole species was on the verge of extinction. In collaboration with the Turkey Zoo, it was decided to restore the breed in its white color, preferably with different eyes: yellow and blue.
This program continues to this day.
Description of the Turkish Angora
The cat of this breed is characterized by incredible grace, subtlety, elegance. The parameters of their bodies are very average, athletic, well-built.
The body is thin, elongated, located on long, muscular limbs with neat little legs. The tail is shaped like a feather - long and densely decorated with wool.
The head is wedge-shaped, narrowing closer to the tip of the nose. High and wide above it are the triangular ears, on which the presence of brushes is possible.
Eyes almond shape. Their colors in the description of the Turkish Angora are very extensive: it is blue, and yellow, and gold. The main thing is that the color was as deep as possible.
Character of Turkish Angoras
As any cat believes, the representatives of the species are rather capricious and proud. They know their value. But this does not prevent them from loving their masters and treat children well and warmly.
The character of the Turkish Angora is very different: it can frolic with its toys all day long, rushing around the house, or lie on the owner’s lap.
Care for Turkish Angora
Deciding to get yourself a pet of this breed, you should understand that her gorgeous long fur coat will require a lot of attention. To make it always beautiful, healthy and well-groomed, it is recommended to regularly comb it: at least 1 time per week, and during the molt about 3 times a week.
It is necessary to bathe the Turkish angora as its wool is contaminated, but not too often. This should be done only with special shampoos and balms for four-legged pets, because they contain substances that help maintain their beauty and protective properties.
Of course, we must not forget that you need to regularly inspect the ears and clean them with a cotton swab. It is recommended to wipe the eyes with a cotton pad and cut the claws as they grow.
In general, the care of Turkish angora can not be called too burdensome, but of course it requires a certain attention.
How to feed the Turkish angora?
By their nature, these cats have a gentle digestive system and stomach. In this regard, the question of how to feed the Turkish Angora should be taken seriously.
Experts recommend stopping the choice of premium industrial feeds. They have the perfect balance of food elements, contain the necessary vitamins and micro-and macro elements. Plus it greatly saves the time of the owners on cooking.
It is strictly forbidden to give food from your table! Fried, spicy, sweet - all this is forbidden for the pet products! Emphasis should be placed on lean meat, cereals, vegetables, jelly. Sometimes you can give and fish.
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