Afghan Hound
Want to know more about the history, content and upbringing of the Afghan Hound? Then you should definitely read this article!
- Origin - Afghanistan, Growth 60 - 80 сm., Weight 20 - 50 kg.
- Lifespan 10-15 years
Wool length
Mind and wit
Fit for allergics: No
Name of the breed: Afghan Hound
For families with children: No
Difficulty of care: Yes
Dog guard: No
Guide-dog: No
Ability to train: No
Interesting Facts
- The incredible fact is that the Afghan Hound was allegedly in Noah's Ark along with other rescued animals.
- The Afghan Hound is very touchy. Despite their good disposition, they are quickly offended by the slightest discrepancy between your behavior and their ideas and desires.
- All ponytail owners say their pets are so wayward that their upbringing turns into a real test.
- The average life span of a pet is 10-12 years.
Origin of the Afghan Hound
This breed was not bred by humans, but he still had a hand in it to improve its exterior and working data. There is a version that the origin of the Afghan hound dates back so many centuries that even during the Great Flood Noah took the dog to his ark.
It is generally accepted that the homeland of the four-legged is Afghanistan, but there is evidence that they were distributed in other territories: for example, in India, Iran.
Traces of the dog also indicate that over time, the distribution range of the caudate also reached Central Asia.
The first representatives of the breed came to England with the military from India at the end of the 19th century. There, they were very much appreciated for the exotic, unusual appearance to the eye. Having first appeared at the famous Crystal Palace Show, the dog immediately won the main title. After that, the breeders became interested in professional breeding. Two nurseries were created in which two separate branches of the breed developed.
The modern appearance of the dog is the result of a merger of producers from both kennels.
Description of the Afghan Hound
These pets look very magnificent. They have an incredibly stately gait, posture, gait.
Height at the withers: 63-73 cm.
Weight: 20-30 kg.
Often tailed is compared to saluki. They are very slim and graceful. The body, despite the apparent fragility, is quite athletic, agile, strong.
The back in the description of the Afghan Hound is straight, and the lower back is wide. The neck is long, proudly raised. The head has the shape of a wedge with an elongated, dry muzzle. On it are hanging, ears tightly pressed to the skull. They are densely covered with wool. The eyes are triangular, mostly dark in color, but acceptable and golden. The nose is usually black, but brown is allowed with lighter coat colors.
By the way, about the coat. He is the main feature of the breed. This is a real luxurious fur coat that completely envelops the slender body of the dog. She has undercoat and core hair. The whole cover is very thick, lush, long. He is especially handsome on the run.
The extremities of the caudate are very thin, long. Nevertheless, they have the proper strength for fast running and high jumps. The hind legs are more widely spaced and laid back, but the front legs are fragile, thin.
The tail is very unusual. It is located low, thin and covered with wool is not as rich as the rest of the body. The most bizarre is that at the tip it curls into a ringlet.
Afghan Hound Character
These four-legged are very sensitive. They are real aristocrats with a subtle soul. They are madly in love with their master, his family. Despite the fact that they are quite cheerful, sociable, playful, they instantly resent their inappropriate attitude towards them. That is why it is not advisable to start them in a house where there are small children who can easily scare the pussies.
The presence of small animals in the house can provoke the awakening of hunting instincts, which is not entirely safe. What is strange, as a rule, this does not apply to cats.
Keeping an Afghan Hound
Many owners of such a pet are opponents of the housing content of the Afghan hound. However, comfort or discomfort from the limited space also depends on the temperament of each individual.
Despite where the pet will live, much time should be devoted to walking. They must be many hours, active. It is advisable not to be lazy and to carry out joint runs.
The most troublesome is wool. In order to always look luxurious and attractive, you should constantly comb it. Koltuny, thorns appear in it very quickly. Some owners shorten the hair under the armpits and between the fingers, but this is not suitable for show individuals.
Bathing should not be carried out too often: no more than once every few months.
What to feed the Afghan Hound?
For the health and beauty of the coat, you should carefully choose a diet. It should consist not only of protein products, but also of ingredients saturated with fiber, healthy fats.
Dry food is also suitable for feeding the Afghan Hound. However, you need to purchase products not lower than super-premium classes.
Afghan Hound Training
These favorites are still stubborn. This is also proved by studies by scientists at the University of British Columbia from Canada. Despite the fact that the dog has a fairly developed intellect, it is very problematic to make him walk along the line. There is a very reasonable explanation for this. It is based on hunting habits, for which, historically, the need for approval of actions from the owner has not been characteristic.
In order for the Afghan Borzoi to give results, however, start it early and do it slowly. Do not put pressure on her, interest, encourage the right behavior.
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