American Akita

"Big Japanese dog" - this is also called the American Akita. Despite the fact that the American Akita is a wayward and freedom-loving dog, it is an excellent companion, very friendly to everyone around, but will never give an offense to its owner.

  • Origin Egypt, Growth 30 - 60 сm., Weight 10 - 20 kg.
  • Lifespan 8-12 years


Wool length



Mind and wit

Average cost

0 - 2113 $



Voted: 22


Fit for allergics: No

Name of the breed: American Akita

For families with children: Yes

Difficulty of care: No

Dog guard: No

Guide-dog: Yes

Ability to train: Yes

Interesting Facts Interesting facts

1. We all used to call it what we want, but when choosing a nickname for the Amerikan Akita, two rules must be observed:
  • The first letter should be the first letter of the name of the entire litter.
  • In order that the breeders could recognize their pets in the future, a factory prefix is ​​added to the first letter of the nickname.
2. Without taking into account the fact of the American origin of the breed, in the USA and Canada they still equate American Akita and Akita Inu with the same breed.
American Akita
3. The curled tail of the American Akita is a real brand. The tail of each individual dog is unique.
4. The ancestor of the American Akita is Akita Inu, which in Japan has the status of a National Treasure.
5. Apart from the fact that webbed fingers help the American Akita to swim easily, this feature also contributes to easy walking in the snow.
6. Often, American Akita dogs are compared to cats, as they are very clean, neat and silent.

story From the history

This is a breed with a history that began in the mountainous terrain of the north of Japan, along with the breeding of the progenitor of this breed - Akita Inu. The latter was bred in order to hunt large animals. The dog was distinguished by a powerful physique, a tall and oblong body, a “bearish” head and an unusually beautiful thick coat.

In the war years, she apparently really liked the Americans, and they decided to bring to their homeland these dogs illegally. As a result, the American Akita was bred by mixing with a German shepherd and mastiff. Today it is an independent, officially registered breed.

Description Breed characteristic

American Akita is characterized by large parameters. Height varies from 60 to 70 cm depending on gender.

The weight of an adult representative of the American Akita can reach 60-70 kg.
The whole body of the dog can be described in two words: strength and power. She has long, straight, massive paws with membranes that make excellent swimmers out of this breed. Chest different athletic.

Wool cover consists of two layers. The outer coat (first layer) is longer, tough and coarse, the undercoat (second layer) is softer and shorter. Strict framework in relation to the color missing.

maintenance Training, care, diet

If you want to buy an American Akita, you should take into account the fact that due to the waywardness of the breed, its pride, independence, you should start training early, preferably at the age of 2-3 months, and the training itself - at 4-5 months.

It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the character of the dog in the learning process. You will need a lot of patience: boring, monotonous, with a lot of repetitions of training can only make your pet angry.

She can be kept in an apartment, since one of the positive features is that she almost never barks, even during a fight. However, the pet may be cramped and uncomfortable, so walks should be frequent and long.

The care is minimal and is reduced only to washing 2-3 times a year and regular combing of wool (more frequent during the season of molting).

 The ideal diet for the American Akita is a balance between feeding with dry food and natural products. The diet should contain meat, fish, cereals, vegetables and dairy products.

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