American Staffordshire Terrier

The American Staffordshire Terrier is an excellent guard, friend and playmate companion for children. Find out more about its content, training and history in our article.

  • Origin of USA, Growth 30 - 60 сm., Weight 20 - 50 kg.
  • Lifespan 8-12 years


Wool length



Mind and wit



Voted: 30


Name of the breed: American Staffordshire Terrier

Fit for allergics: No

For families with children: Yes

Difficulty of care: No

Dog guard: Yes

Guide-dog: No

Ability to train: Yes

Interesting Facts Data

  1. The dog fully feels its owner and adapts to its temperament, i.e. the degree of its aggressiveness depends entirely on the goals and methods of education of the owner.
  2. The following fact about the Staffordshire terrier indicates that they often took part in dog fights before.
American Staffordshire Terrier
  1. These dogs have a highly developed intuition, and they can literally feel the danger.
  2. Despite the external threat, strength and ferocity, many owners emphasize the fact of the Staffordshire terrier regarding their unlimited love for children.
  3. These dogs serve in the EMERCOM of Russia.


story Staffordshire Terrier Story

The Staffordshire Terrier is the result of crossing a terrier with a bulldog in the 19th century. In England, the resulting species was named Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and in America, since 1936, it is already a terrier.
The date January 1, 1972 is a landmark for these dogs. On this day in the history of the Staffordshire Terrier, the fact of its official registration is marked. From that day the name “American staffordshire terrier” was recorded.

Description Characteristics of the Staffordshire Terrier

The appearance of these strong, brave dogs always and everywhere attracts attention. They are very strong and muscular. Their entire exterior literally exudes strength, but is not devoid of grace and elegance. Their chest is very wide. The neck is moderately long.

Limbs should not be long, straight and athletic. The forelegs are rather wide apart. The tail is short, straight.

The head of these dogs is of medium size. On it you can clearly see the transition from the skull to the front. Muzzle wide. Ears are rather high, erect. Both their cupping and preservation in a natural form are allowed.
The eyes are set deep and wide, dark. The nose is strictly black. Jaws and their grip is very strong.

Characteristics of the Staffordshire Terrier is impossible without mentioning its parameters. The weight is not standardized at all, the main thing is that the body looks harmonious. Growth within 43-48 cm.
There is no framework in relation to color, and the wool itself is hard and tight to the body.

Care Staffordshire Terrier Content

Caring for these four-legged is not at all difficult. It boils down to the fact that the pet needs to be bathed as it is polluted, not too often, so as not to wash off the protective barrier of its wool.
If the claws do not grind off naturally during walks, they will have to be cut. Ears should be regularly inspected and cleaned with a bandage, gauze and cotton pads.
Eyes should also be washed once a week.

Of course, the content of the Staffordshire Terrier over a large area would be preferable, but if this is not possible, the apartment will also work. The main thing is to remember about frequent, long, active walks.
How to feed a Staffordshire Terrier
If you decide to take a Staffordshire Terrier, the issue of nutrition will not bypass you. In order for the dog to grow well musculature, protein must be predominant in the diet, which it can get from raw and cooked meat, eggs, cottage cheese. You can also give and cereals with vegetables.
The main thing is to monitor the calorie intake, as it should not be too high. You can add vitamins to food, such as calcium.

Dry food is not the best answer to the question of how to feed a Staffordshire Terrier. It can be a supplement, but not its foundation. Also, the dog may consume leftover food from the master's table, but again it must be clearly controlled.

training Training Staffordshire Terrier

The education of these dogs is necessary and its proper construction should be approached very seriously and responsibly. It is necessary to begin the training of the Staffordshire Terrier with its socialization, i.e. habituation to the owner, strangers, other animals, regime of walks and toilets. Then the dogs of the Staffordshire Terrier breed can begin to give knowledge about the basic commands, and already in his more mature age to move on to full-fledged training.

It must be based on complete submission. The dog must be clearly aware of who his master is, what place is allotted to him and absolutely exactly follow all the commands. Authority and respect for the dog need to be earned and it can be done only with confidence, perseverance and steadfastness.

Encouragement is also welcome for the dog to understand which behavior is correct.

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