Australian Shepherd

The incredible hard worker and the ideal pet for a large family is the Australian Shepherd. Our article will tell you how to care for it, what to feed and how to educate.

  • Origin of USA, Growth 30 - 60 сm., Weight 20 - 50 kg.
  • Lifespan 10-15 years


Wool length



Mind and wit

Average cost

0 - 30000 $



Voted: 21


Fit for allergics: No

Name of the breed: Australian Shepherd

For families with children: Yes

Dog guard: No

Difficulty of care: No

Guide-dog: No

Ability to train: Yes

Interesting Facts Interesting Facts

  1. The breed is called the Australian Shepherd due to the origin of one of the breeds involved in its breeding.
  2. An interesting fact about the Australian Shepherd: in Russia, the population of these four-legged is so small that buying a puppy can be a serious problem. Prices start at about $ 1200.

    Australian Shepherd

  3. Very often these pets are confused with collies, who also had a hand in their breeding.
  4. Many owners simply adore their favorites for the following fact about the Australian Shepherd: they can literally smile broadly.
  5. Dogs of the Australian Shepherd breed starred in two films in Hollywood.

Breed origin Breed origin

It would seem that the name of the breed is already talking about where its history began. However, it is not. The origin of the Australian Shepherd began in the United States by artificial means. It was obtained as a result of mixing Basque and Pyrenean shepherd dogs, as well as Bernese Mountain Dog.

The resulting dog was distinguished by boundless kindness, loyalty, docility and, most importantly, excellent working skills. Thanks to all these qualities, the breed has gained rapid and ubiquitous distribution throughout North America.

Today, the Australian Shepherd dog is very popular not only in America, but throughout the world.

Description of the Australian Shepherd Description of the Australian Shepherd

These quadrupeds have medium size parameters:

Height: 45-55 cm.

Weight: up to 30 kg.

Their torso is slightly elongated, strong. It is located on powerful limbs that allow the dog to run a dozen kilometers per day. Paws have excellent stability.

The description of the Australian Shepherd as a whole can be described as graceful and elegant, but nevertheless strong.

Her head is elongated. Hanging ears, triangular shape. Nose black, and around the mouth there may be a dark bezel.

Their wool is very beautiful. It is not long and not short. There are many variations of colors. One of the most vivid, memorable and loved by people around the world is marble (blue or bright red).

Content in the apartment Content in the apartment

These four-footed are famous for a very active, cheerful and freedom-loving nature. The content of the Australian Shepherd in the apartment may not be very comfortable both to the animal and its owners. This is due to the fact that in this case the need for frequent and long walks on the street increases. It is advisable not to forget about exercise and outdoor games.

Plus, during the seasonal molting, the entire floor will literally be covered with a solid wool blanket. In order to avoid this, you need to remember the need for regular combing. During the period of molting is a daily procedure, not in season - 3-4 times a week.

Experts do not recommend bathing the dog often, as it adversely affects the condition of the coat and its protective functions. It also adversely affects the health of the skin. The best option would be swimming 1 time in 4 months.

Australian Shepherd Eating Australian Shepherd Eating

In order for a dog to be healthy and happy, you need to think carefully about its diet. The main thing is quality and balance. Be sure to contain it in the required amount of minerals and vitamins, which are so important for the good functioning of the whole organism.

Food Australian Shepherd should be two times. Intermediate snacks are possible only if it is a promotion after proper execution of commands or good behavior.

The dog can be fed both dry food and natural food.

Dry food is better to choose from the super premium segment. Yes, it can be much more expensive than an economy class, but then you don’t have to be regular guests of a veterinary clinic.

Natural food is half protein foods. The second part is represented by a variety of cereals, vegetables, dairy products.

Australian Shepherd Training Australian Shepherd Training

The learning process is best to start as early as possible. This rule is the same for all dog breeds. This is very important in order to grow a well-mannered, intelligent pet.

The training of the Australian Shepherd is easy and relaxed, but due to excessive activity the dog may lose attention. In order to prevent this, it is worth giving commands in a strict, precise, confident voice. The dog must feel the authority and strength of its owner. Otherwise, she will not even try to hear him.

The best learning method is coupled with promotion. It can be as simple stroking and affection, and some delicious treats.

Punishing a dog, screaming at him or even worse, beating is strictly forbidden!

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