Basset Hound

Get to know the aristocratic Brit Basset Hound. From our article you will learn the features of its content and nutrition.

  • Origin United Kingdom, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 20 - 50 kg.
  • Lifespan 10-15 years


Wool length



Mind and wit

Average cost

0 - 1560 $



Voted: 12


Fit for allergics: No

Name of the breed: Basset Hound

For families with children: No

Difficulty of care: Yes

Dog guard: No

Guide-dog: No

Ability to train: Yes

Interesting Facts Interesting Facts

  1. In 2003, the Basset Hound with the longest ears in the world was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The length of the ears was 29.2 cm.
  2. Basset Hound is a frequent guest on movie screens. This breed can be seen in films such as: “Ace Ventura. Pet detective "," Three nuts for Cinderella "," Colombo "," Detroit - the city of rock "and in many others.

    Basset Hound

  3. Hugo - that was the name of the Basset Hound pet Marilyn Monroe.
  4. Among the fans of this breed are many famous personalities: William Shakespeare, Bridget Bordeaux, Peter Folk, Alla Pugacheva, Dmitry Nagiyev, Irina Allegrova.
  5. D. Washington, the first president of the United States, was presented with a dog of this particular breed.

Breed history Breed history

The basset hound (from fr. ‘Bass’ - low) is a hound dog bred in England. Her ancestors, basset type dogs, were from France. According to its history, the Basset Hound is a dog with true English balance and aristocracy. But despite this, the Basset Hounds are very funny, mobile and playful pets who adore long walks on the street, as well as active games. These dogs have a lively mind and are very inquisitive: as soon as the owner brings some new thing into the house, it becomes the center of attention of the Basset Hound.

Breed description Breed description

Basset hound is a low, but rather massive breed. Growth averages in the range of 33 - 38 cm, weight: 18 - 29 kg. Because of the short, but nonetheless muscular paws, the dog looks squat. The body at Basset Hound is elongated.

The head looks very powerful: the skull is wide at the eyebrows and tapering closer to the nose, the muzzle is elongated, with distinctive skin folds at the eyes and eyebrows. Long ears are located below the eyes and hang below the dog's muzzle.

The coat in the description of the Basset Hound is quite thick, fits tightly to the body, the hair is not thin, short. Tri-color:

The black

Pale yellow


Nutrition, content, education

What to feed the dog? What to feed the dog?

Basset Hound’s diet should be approached wisely: a balance between proper nutrition and physical exercise is necessary. When choosing dry food, you need to give preference to premium and super premium class feeds, but if it comes to natural food, you must give your pet meat, dairy products, vegetables and cereals.

Basset Hound Care Basset Hound Care

Basset hound does not require complex self-care. Such dogs are preferable to start in a country house with a large territory, so that the dogs have no problems with joints and bones due to a sedentary lifestyle. If you decide to start a basset hound and keep it in an apartment, set yourself up for regular, long walks on the street. Because of the squat of the dog, it needs to be bathed about 2 times a month. Wool should be systematically combed and ears cleaned to avoid the risk of infections. Also, these dogs are prone to increased salivation, so you need to pay special attention to hygiene around the mouth.

Dog training Dog training

The basset hound is a very independent dog that must be trained. However, representatives of this breed are not so easy to give in to it. When acquiring this dog, you need to have extraordinary patience. During training, you should not get hung up on the same teams, you need to approach the process of training gradually, without pressure.

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