
The beagle is a charming lop-eared dog, which can be both a faithful companion on the hunt, and a reliable friend of the family. It is impossible not to fall in love with the round eyes of representatives of the breed, whose history is long and complicated.

  • Origin United Kingdom, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 10 - 20 kg.
  • Lifespan 10-15 years


Wool length



Mind and wit

Average cost

0 - 1293 $



Voted: 14


Fit for allergics: No

Name of the breed: Beagle

For families with children: Yes

Difficulty of care: No

Dog guard: No

Guide-dog: No

Ability to train: Yes

Curious facts Curious facts

  1. Thanks to the excellent scent, Beagles are often trained in finding explosive or narcotic substances at customs or the police.
  2. In the USA in 1950, the fact that the Beagle became the most popular breed according to the research of the American Kennel Club was recorded.


  3. Miniature representatives of the Beagle breed were bred in England. The comic nature of this fact is that one dog could fit on the palm of an adult person, and in the hunter’s bag there were altogether 10-12 pieces!
  4. The main character of the comic Snoopy - Beagle!
  5. Beagles can often be seen in the movies. For example, "Cats against dogs", "John Wick", "Star Trek: Enterprise", "Super Dog", "Beauty and the Beast" and many others.

According to one of the versions, the first hounds of dogs existed in ancient Greece, then their history continued among the Romans, who subsequently spread them on the territory of the British Isles. There, dogs interbred with other breeds and by the 15th century hunting dogs were common in Greece, France, England, Italy.

Breed description Breed description

The beagle is a medium sized dog. Height: 33-40 cm, weight: 9-14 kg. Beagle's eyes are big, ears should hang below the tip of a large black nose, strong jaws. Representatives of this breed are quite muscular. The body is smooth, moderately long. The rib cage is wide and narrows closer to the stomach. Paws short, but strong. The tail is thick and with a small tassel at the end.

Coat uniform, one long, thick. The color is usually tricolor: a combination of black, white and brown, but other types are typical for beagle dogs.

Principles of feeding, care, education Principles of feeding, care, education

Even before the appearance of the Beagle pet in the house, you should consider its diet. These dogs are great actors and beggars who can never be led by any means. Excessive feeding can lead to severe obesity.

Beagle Feeding Beagle Feeding

It is recommended to feed the dog on the clock in equal portions. If you prefer feeding with dry feed, choose premium and super premium manufacturers, but if you prefer natural products, try to give meat, boneless boiled fish, ryazhenka, cottage cheese, eggs, raw vegetables.

Keep the Beagle is best in a country house, as being constantly on the street, having the opportunity to run, jump, play, he will be able to fully realize their full potential. Because of the small size, the dog can be wound up in the apartment, but then you have to walk more often, try to take it to the forest, to the field, in order to get enough of it.

Beagle care Beagle care

The care is quite simple: it is enough to bathe your pet 2-3 times a year with a special shampoo, and also not to forget to cut the claws and brush your teeth. The most whimsical zone of the Beagle is his long ears, which are to be cleaned after each walk.

Beagle should be educated to begin as soon as you brought him into the house. So you can avoid the rambling of the pet. Up to 6 months of training is reduced to the skills of eating by the hour, mode of toilet, walking, knowledge of their place. After you can already begin to enter more complex commands.

Training is recommended in the form of a game using treats to encourage a pet. If you brought Beagles for hunting purposes, then you should also start teaching him at the age of 6 months.

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Viktorija I 32563    15 March 2025 - 14:34

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