Belgian Shepherd

Gorgeous herding skills and guarding instinct, but at the same time incredible friendliness and emotional subtlety - all these seemingly contradictory features about the Belgian Shepherd Dog.

  • Origin Belgium, Growth 30 - 60 сm., Weight 20 - 50 kg.
  • Lifespan 10-15 years


Wool length



Mind and wit

Average cost

0 - 3000 $



Voted: 11


Fit for allergics: No

Name of the breed: Belgian Shepherd

For families with children: Yes

Difficulty of care: No

Dog guard: Yes

Guide-dog: Yes

Ability to train: Yes

Interesting Facts Interesting Facts

  1. The Belgian Shepherd is a very smart breed of four-legged. Often she is attracted to serve in the police and at customs. There she is engaged in the search for drugs and bombs.
  2. Breeders emphasize the fact that for representatives of this breed is very important personal space and understanding of the territory that needs to be protected.
  3. In a number of countries shepherd subspecies are classified as separate breeds. For example, in the United States, only the subspecific Grunendahl is recognized as a Belgian shepherd. The rest are separate breeds.

    Belgian Shepherd

  4. An impressive fact is that Malinois, together with the American special services, were looking for Osama bin Laden’s asylum seeker.
  5. Belgian Shepherd Dog is a participant in hostilities in the north of the Caucasus.
  6. Alain Delon (Alain Delon) loves this breed.
  7. With proper training, you can ensure that the dog can hold a glass of water on his head in parallel with avoiding various kinds of obstacles.

Breed history Breed history

This is a real brave soldier who can protect you, your home and your entire family, and just frolic and fool around during a street walk.

The breed originates in 19th century Belgium. The history of the Belgian Shepherd Dog is connected with Adolf Riiul, who decided to start breeding the national dog breed. In 1891, the veterinarian selected similar animals differing only in the type of coat: short-haired, long-haired and medium-haired. Despite the fact that the professor considered the separation of dogs to be exactly the type of coat, over time, the coat color criterion began to prevail. In 1907, the standard was clearly formulated, according to which long-haired dogs should be gray, short-haired - red with a brick shade, semi-long-haired - black.

Depending on the variety of wool, 4 subspecies of the Belgian Shepherd Dog are distinguished:





Description of the Belgian Shepherd Description of the Belgian Shepherd

Growth in four-legged high. Their torso is distinguished by medium length, massiveness, but not coarse. Straight, broad back is characterized by a developed musculature. The tail is medium long.

Height: 56-66 cm

Weight: 20-30 kg.

The head of the dog is elongated, not dry. The skull and muzzle are characterized by approximately the same length. The ears are erect, triangular in shape. Eyes practically almond-shaped, dark. The nose and lips are black. Jaws, strong as steel, armed with healthy and strong teeth. The neck is muscular, long, gradually expanding closer to the shoulders.

The fore and hind limbs are very strong and muscular. The front legs are closer to the round shape, and the hind legs are closer to the oval. Fingers tightly compressed. The claws are black.

Due to the fact that the climate in Belgium is quite changeable, all 4 subspecies have a need for thick coat, as well as a dense undercoat. The color in the description of the Belgian Shepherd varies depending on the subspecies: Tervuren (long hair) and Malinois (short hair) are distinguished by a red color.

Gruenendaal has long, black hair, and Lackenois has reddish reddish hair.

Features of nutrition, maintenance and education

Nutrition Belgian Shepherd. Nutrition Belgian Shepherd.

In general, if you want to buy a Belgian shepherd, the question of diet will not make you much trouble. These pets are completely unpretentious. If you choose dry food, try to buy species that are suitable for highly active animals. Speaking of natural products for the nutrition of the shepherd, one should prefer meat (with the exception of fatty varieties and pork), fish, cereals (mainly rice and buckwheat), eggs and sour milk. Also, these dogs are happy to eat vegetables and fruits, corresponding to the season.

Content Content.

The Belgian Shepherd is adapted to the content both in the street and in the apartment. The main thing for her is increased physical activity. Minimum - 1-2 hours per day.

You can bathe 2-3 times a year, comb (except for the period of molting) and brush your ears 1-2 times a week. Every day you need to monitor the condition of the eyes and teeth. Claws are clipped about once every 2 weeks.

Education Belgian Shepherd. Education Belgian Shepherd.

Training is required! This should start immediately after you have bought a pet. However, there are nuances in this matter. These dogs are distinguished by the subtlety of their nature: you should not shout at them and even more so apply physical punishment during the lessons. Also, they are characterized by independence. In this regard, they may not obey you, as they are accustomed to act there, relying only on their own opinion. So be patient when training the Belgian Shepherd.

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