Bichon Frise
White fluffy cloud - this is what the Bichon Frize looks like. This is a decorative breed of small dog, pure white color with amazing cheerful and playful character.
- Origin France, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 3 - 6 kg.
- Lifespan 10-15 years
Wool length
Mind and wit
Name of the breed: Bichon Frise
Fit for allergics: No
For families with children: Yes
Dog guard: No
Difficulty of care: No
Guide-dog: No
Ability to train: Yes
Fun Facts
1. Wool in these dogs does not cause allergies, and therefore this breed is ideal for people with allergies.
2. Despite the fact that many miniature breeds of dogs are famous for their capriciousness, such a flaw was not noticed for the Bichon Frize. On the contrary, many owners note the fact that they are very affectionate, always trying to please their owner and adjust to his mood.
3. The light color of the coat is due to the warm climate in which the dog appeared.

4. In the post-Soviet space, the breed is poorly represented, which is why it is often confused with the poodle. This fact is always negatively perceived by the owners of the Bichon Frize.
5. For a long time, until the official registration of the breed in 1933, the Bichon Frize was called “Tenerife”, “Ténériffe” or “Tenerife Bichon”.
6. Tori's dog from South Korea won the hearts of 65 thousand Instagram users. Tori hosts created a separate page for their pet, where, thanks to the photo, it became very popular.
7. Among the famous owners of the Bichon Frize are such personalities as Sophia Rotaru and Nastya Kamensky.
This is a charming French aristocrat, who appeared in our area recently. Its history began in the 13-14 centuries. on the shores of the Mediterranean, where these little doggies were used as rat-catchers on ships. It is the limited territory of the ship that accounts for the small size of the rock. They became most widespread after the aristocracy of Italy, Spain, France and the Canary Islands became especially sympathetic to compact dogs. From there, all varieties of lapdogs originate, including the Bichon Frize.
Description of breed standards
Bichon Frize is a small, decorative dog. Her height reaches 23-30 cm. It is worth noting that preference is given to lower representatives. Weight is about 5 kg.
The main distinguishing feature is wool. The coat is long (up to 10 cm), dense, curly. Coloring allowed only one: white. Any spots are possible only in puppies that disappear over time. Also required is a black nose and black rims around the eyes. According to the standard haircut is not provided (except for the muzzle and paws).
The Bichon Frize is a very cheerful, playful, active dog, besides it is absolutely not aggressive.
Diet, content, training
Feed recommended high-quality dry food. Allowed to add in the diet of meat by-products, vegetables, but in limited quantities. Do not forget that all-natural food is not recommended.
Dogs are skillful actors and I know how to ask well, but you can’t go on about them, because the food from the table will even be harmful. It is better to feed 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening, and monitor the volume of servings so that there is no risk of obesity.
The content of the Bichon Frize is rather unpretentious.
Due to compactness, representatives of the breed live without problems in a small apartment. They should be bathed as they are polluted, with the exception of paws, which are recommended to be cleaned after each walk. The wool, although thick and frizzy, is not difficult to comb. 1-2 times a week, you should brush your teeth and cut your claws as they grow.
Special attention should be paid to the eyes, which should be rinsed regularly.
The owner will have to stop smoking in the house, as this has a negative effect on tearing.
In Russia and the CIS countries, it is a mistaken opinion that it is necessary to cut a dog of a given breed. It's not like that at all. On the contrary, the standard does not provide for it. It will be enough to trim the hair on the paws and face.
Any dog, even the smallest, should be raised.
Bichon Frize is no exception. Immediately after the owner brings the dog into the house, you can begin to teach her to walk, toilet and food, as well as to basic commands. Otherwise, you risk to face its bad manners and uncontrollability. Teams should be given strictly, but not to shout, but to conduct training in a playful form.
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