Boston Terrier

From our article you will learn about why the Boston Terrier is often called a real gentleman, as well as about the features of his upbringing and content.

  • Origin of USA, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 6 - 10 kg.
  • Lifespan 10-15 years


Wool length



Mind and wit

Average cost

0 - 1939 $



Voted: 4


Fit for allergics: No

Name of the breed: Boston Terrier

For families with children: Yes

Difficulty of care: No

Dog guard: No

Guide-dog: No

Ability to train: Yes

Interesting Facts

  1. For the Boston Terrier, weather is of no small importance. Owners note the fact that their pets are very cold during cold weather and risk sunstroke during the heat.
  2. Many dogs with a similar structure of the muzzle have increased salivation. For the hero of the article, this is not at all characteristic.

    Boston Terrier

  3. The Boston Terrier is a symbol of Massachusetts (one of the US states).
  4. This dog snores in a dream.

Boston Terrier Breed History

The breed was formed artificially in the city of Boston in the 19th century. In the 1870th year, Robert Hooper acquired an unusual dog. The former owner claimed that it was a cross between an English bulldog and a terrier. The exterior is very pleased to Robert. It was decided to start breeding work on the development, improvement of the four-legged.

As a result of mating with Edward Burnett's pet, very cute puppies were obtained: a boy and a girl. By mating between them and their parents, the first Boston Terriers were obtained. Of course, a huge journey has been made to improve both external characteristics and character. As a result, in 1893, the first representatives were recorded in stud books. They very quickly became famous, in demand.

Finally, the name was not formed immediately. At first, caudate was called the round-headed bulli, the American bulli.

Description of the Boston Terrier

The fact that this kid is still a gentleman is reflected not only in character, but also in appearance.

The case is square, completely elongated. The muscles are well developed. He is not rude, bulky, awkward, but rather the most graceful and elegant. The back is straight, the chest is wide and taut. The thin tail is straight.

The head is large, round. The skull between the ears is flat. Stop (the transition from the forehead to the muzzle) is clearly delineated. Muzzle flattened, without large folds of skin.

Ears are erect, triangular. The eyes are round, convex, dark in color. The nose is large, wide, with clear nostrils and a line between them.

A bite is direct, a snack is possible.

The limbs are straight, strong. The gait is elegant, soft.

The coat in the description of the Boston Terrier is practically not endowed with undercoat. The coat is smooth, shiny, short. Colors can be different: black, brown, tiger. The presence of white spots is very important. The preferred combination are spots between the eyes, mask, collar, fore and hind limbs.

Boston Terrier Character

The nature of the four-legged is as friendly and companionable as possible. He loves all people, animals around. It does not matter who it is: friend, stranger, cat, parrot. He wants to meet everyone.

He has a great relationship with the owner, as well as with young children. He is not trying to somehow offend them, to prick. On the contrary, makes up a campaign for games, fun.

The character of the Boston Terrier is active, fun. However, he will not be imposed and demand to constantly play with him. It adapts in an amazing way to the environment. So, one day you will take an active walk on the street, on the other lie down together in front of the TV. For him, everything will be joy, if only the owner was near!

Boston Terrier Content

Tailed will certainly not be able to live on the street in a booth. He does not have an undercoat, and therefore a warm place is important for him. In the apartment, think over a soft couch for him, although most likely he will be happy to simply fall onto your bed.

Despite the fact that this baby is considered decorative, he needs regular walks. Take any toys with you so that the dog is as pleased and happy as possible. In the cold season take care of a protective blanket, and in the heat grab some water for it.

The cover is not whimsical to care for. It is enough to bathe it as it gets dirty and periodically comb out. You will be able to cope with this on your own, which makes it unnecessary to go to a professional groomer.

Pay more attention to creases and eyes. There is often an infection. Do not forget to rinse them.

How to feed the Boston Terrier?

Making a diet is not difficult even for a beginner. If you choose feeding with dry food, you should not save. Only in a product of premium, super-premium or holistic classes will there be meat, and not its chemical substitutes.

Natural foods are good too. You can feed the Boston Terrier lean meat. He does not like cereals and vegetables very much, but nevertheless it is better to accustom him to them, since this is a valuable source of useful elements.

And of course, forget about the possibility of slipping him a sausage from the table, dough, tasty sweets. This is detrimental to the health of any dog!

Boston Terrier Training

In the upbringing of this sweetie there are several features. First of all, it should be noted that they are smart, smart, but nonetheless stubborn. You will have to make time and patience to educate him. Moreover, they do not claim leadership, which is why they trust and listen to the owner.

Another aspect of training the Boston Terrier is that they are too gullible. For a tidbit, they are ready to go after anyone and anywhere. From childhood, do not let him do this.

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