
Terrible outside and soft inside - this is how you can describe the dog Bullmastiff. If you want to know more about his history, upbringing and care, read our article.

  • Origin United Kingdom, Growth 60 - 80 сm., Weight 50 - 90 kg.
  • Lifespan 8-12 years


Wool length



Mind and wit

Average cost

0 - 1953 $



Voted: 8


Fit for allergics: No

Name of the breed: Bullmastiff

For families with children: Yes

Difficulty of care: No

Dog guard: Yes

Guide-dog: Yes

Ability to train: Yes

Interesting Facts Interesting Facts

  1. For quite a long period of time, the symbol and talisman of the Arsenal football team was the Bulmastif.
  2. The next fact about the Bullmastiff is that excessive saliva is not inherent in them.


  3. Despite the well-known in the past working qualities of these dogs, today they are more likely just companions of their owners.
  4. These dogs get along well with children.
  5. Many owners complain about one fact about Bulmastif: they snore a lot in their sleep.

Breed history Breed history

The breed Bullmastiff is relatively young, so its description is very short. The history of the Bullmastiff dates back to the 19th century England, where the first representative of the breed was obtained as a result of the English Mastiff and Bulldog mating. Today it is a very popular breed, which is famous for its excellent working skills.

Characteristics of the Bullmastiff Characteristics of the Bullmastiff

This dog has very impressive parameters, which nevertheless did not affect its mobility. His torso is quite elongated, has a developed muscles. The limbs, and in particular the legs, are very massive.

Bulmastif parameters:

Height: 65-70 cm.

Weight: 50-60 kg.

The head and muzzle give an awesome look to the dog and are the main element of the Bullmastiff characteristic. His head is very big, but it does not contrast with the parameters of the body. It is a huge number of large folds - wrinkles. The ears are triangular in shape and curved at the ends. His eyes are always very sad and intelligent.

The dog Bulmastiff hair is short, tight to the body. For her, only 4 types of color are possible: tiger, deer, beige and red.

Dog content Dog content

No matter how surprising it is, despite the very large size of the dog, the maintenance of Bulmastif is possible even in the apartment. Of course, it is preferable after all that the dog lived in a large house with a local area. This is very important, as any four-legged need to throw out all their energy, run, play. If the dog does not have the opportunity to do it on his own - the owners will have to carve out a few hours a day, which will need to be fully dedicated to the pet.

In matters of care for the appearance of the dog, there are no special problems and difficulties. Sometimes it is enough to comb the wool with a special brush, and bath procedures should not be done more often 2-3 times a year. It is necessary to closely monitor the condition of claws and teeth, as well as regularly wash the eyes and clean the ears.

Bullmastiff Nutrition Bullmastiff Nutrition

The bullmastiff is a very large dog that needs a fairly large amount of food. Before deciding on a nutritional model and its ingredients, professionals recommend seeking advice from a veterinarian.

In order for the dog to be healthy and happy, eating Bulmastif should be useful and balanced. Feed the animal at the same time. Constant access to food should not be. If after a certain time of feeding in the bowl there is food - remove it. It is also worth forever forget about the possibility of feeding the dog from your table.

If the choice in the matter of feeding is made in favor of dry feed, then they must be super premium, contain all the necessary vitamins and be suitable for the dog Bullmastiff for the balance of food elements.

If we are talking about natural food, then of course the main component of the diet will be meat. But if you want to have a Bullmastiff, be prepared for significant expenses, as the dog must eat about 1.5 kg per day.

Bullmastiff training Bullmastiff training

Despite the external ferocity, as already mentioned at the beginning of the article, inside these pets are very good. Sudden outbursts of aggression and anger are in no way characteristic of them, it is rather a deviation from the norm. In order to reduce the risk of such bursts to zero, it is extremely important to timely raise the animal, which must be started as early as possible.

The game form is ideal for the training of Bulmastif. You should not press and shout at the dog, it is better to show patience and confidence, as any dog ​​will listen only to the confident owner. In this regard, there is a need to properly build relationships and the correct hierarchy in them.

The process of education should be easy, unobtrusive and interesting. Experts recommend the method of encouragement, as the method of the "stick" has long proved its inefficiency.

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