French Bulldog
A brave defender, a pet of children and just a wonderful pet - all this and even more about the French bulldog. Get to know him better in this article.
- Origin France, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 10 - 20 kg.
- Lifespan 8-12 years
Wool length
Mind and wit
Name of the breed: French Bulldog
Fit for allergics: No
For families with children: Yes
Difficulty of care: No
Dog guard: No
Guide-dog: No
Ability to train: Yes
Funny facts
- The funny fact is that the French Bulldogs snore.
- In America, in the 19th - early 20th centuries, these dogs were insanely expensive. The price of one puppy exceeded the cost of a Ford car.
- Many owners noted the fact that due to the rather heavy body, these four-legged people have difficulty swimming.
- In the USSR, for quite a long period of time, the French Bulldog was a forbidden breed, as it was associated with imperial power.
- These lovely girls are also loved by celebrities: for example, Mayakovsky, Laima Vaikule, Ashley Olsen, Reese Witherspoon and many others.
Breed history
Despite its name, the history of these dogs originates not in France, but in England. Their origin is associated with the English Bulldog. The first owners of the French were mostly seamstresses, who used them as rat catchers.
In France, these charming pets came through emigration along with their owners. There, they were noticed and highly appreciated by representatives of the elite, which gave the maximum distribution and popularity of this breed.
France became the site of the first official registration of the breed, in connection with which the name is French Bulldog.
Feature Description
Do not recognize these squat dogs is impossible. They have a rather memorable appearance. Their parameters are closer to the average, the body is compact, short, but athletic. The back is slightly arched, muscular, the neck is wide and short, the chest is deep. The tail is short.
- Height: 25-35 cm.
- Weight: 8-14 kg.
The head of the dog is large, square, but the muzzle is short. Wide and rounded at the ends of the ears are located high on the skull. The eyes of these four-footed are large, round and dark. The nose is very wide and with fairly clearly defined nostrils. The jaw is strong and massive, the lower one is pushed forward.
Limbs, both the front and rear, short, but it is not without strong muscles. The feet are small and round, the fingers are tightly compressed, and the claws are black.
Coat of a bulldog without undercoat, hair structure is hard and thick.
Color is of the following types:
- Pale yellow
- Brindle
- Spotted
All other color options do not fall under the breed standard.
Peculiarities of keeping, nutrition, training of the French Bulldog
1. Content French Bulldog
Unpretentious care - this is one of the many reasons because of which many want to have a French bulldog. Due to its compact size, it can be safely kept in the apartment. Too long and active walks he does not need. However, it is worth remembering that the bulldog has no undercoat - in the bitter cold he may need clothes.
At home, these dogs behave calmly. It is important to provide them with a quiet and quiet place so that nobody interferes with sleep. Draft should be minimized.
Bathing a pet is recommended no more than 3-4 times a year. If he is very dirty during the walk - just wash off the dirt with a large amount of water. Wool can be combed several times a week with a special glove, and skin folds can be wiped with a napkin. Ears and eyes should be rinsed regularly. You can brush your teeth and claw as needed.
2. Food French Bulldog
The main thing in the preparation of the diet is to forget about the opportunity to feed the dog from your table. Human and dog food are radically different. The amount of salt and spices that people add to their food will be too harmful for any four breed.
Food should choose the highest quality. It should consist of natural ingredients, be balanced and endowed with sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals.
When choosing natural products, give preference to lean meat, cereals (for example, hercules, buckwheat, rice), eggs, oils, and sour milk.
3. Dressura french bulldog
You can start training at the age of 4 months. Preference should be given to the promotional method of learning. Preference should be given to the promotional method of teaching, but patience will have to be reserved. Not even the smartest dog will learn a command from the very first repetition.
Encourage your pet with delicacies or praise, but so that the same goodies do not become boring and do not cease to be a stimulus, try to change them more often. If you need to scold, do it carefully: do not shout and do not use physical punishment.
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Rachel Onier 5384 14 December 2020 - 14:04
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