Great Dane

Great Dane is a real giant with a good soul. It is not surprising that due to its impressive parameters, this titanium is ranked among the biggest dogs in the world.

  • Origin Germany, Growth 60 - 80 сm., Weight 20 - 50 kg.
  • Lifespan 8-12 years


Wool length



Mind and wit



Voted: 10


Fit for allergics: No

Name of the breed: Great Dane

For families with children: Yes

Dog guard: No

Difficulty of care: No

Guide-dog: Yes

Ability to train: Yes

Interesting Facts Interesting Facts

  1. 6-7 years - the average life expectancy of these four-legged.
  2. In the USA, this dog is the symbol of Pennsylvania.

    Great Dane

  3. Many do not know, but Scooby-Doo is a Great Dane.
  4. In the old days, people believed that representatives of this breed are endowed with supernatural abilities. They noted the fact that these four-legged can take over the negative energy.
  5. Great Dane - one of the biggest dogs in the world! This fact was confirmed by a dog named Zeus: height at the withers 111 cm, and on the hind legs - 2.23 cm.

In England, he was called the "German Wolfhound." Looking at him, one may be afraid of his power, but these fears are completely in vain. These dogs are incredibly kind, intelligent, sensitive and infinitely love their owners.

Breed history Breed history

The history of the breed is not limited to one century. These dogs are considered among the most ancient. They take their roots from the Bullenbeisser - the now defunct breed.

The word "dog" in those times meant "big and intelligent dog." In 1878 a committee was created in order to somehow classify the existing types of dogov: Ulm, German, Hunting and others. It was he who initiated the breed "Great Dane". And already in 1880, the first breed standard was adopted.

Great Dane Description Great Dane Description

Great Dane is often called the Apollo of the dog world. His grace, greatness, power are simply amazing. It is impossible to remain indifferent when looking at this giant. His body is the embodiment of power.

The torso of these dogs is medium long, very muscular, well built. The back is straight, athletic, loins rounded. The neck is long, noble, wide at the body and tapering closer to the head. The chest is massive, and the belly is taut.

His head is narrow, elongated, angular. There are ears on it: hanging from nature, standing after cupping. The eyes of these four-legged round, medium size, dark. The nose, like the lips, is black. The jaws of the dog are very strong, scissors bite.

The limbs are rather long, dry, muscular. Paws are round, claws as dark as possible.

The skin of these pets is very strongly pigmented and smooth. Coat is short and smooth. The following types of color are allowed in the description of the Great Dane:

Pale yellow

The black




How to keep, feed, train the breed?

How to keep the Great Dane? How to keep the Great Dane?

It is best to keep these "giants" of course in a country house with a large local area. There he could fully throw out all his energy, train and play. If you decide to keep Dos in the apartment, then it is best to have a separate room or a sofa. How can this dog is not a kid. He also needs frequent, long, most active, exercise-filled walks.

Its wool is unpretentious in leaving. It is necessary to bathe as it is polluted (several times a year). It is enough to comb a pet once a week with a special brush or glove. 1-2 times a week you need to wash your eyes, brush your ears and teeth. Claws are sheared approximately once a month.

Feeding the dog Feeding the dog

The principles of feeding these dogs in general are no different from feeding other breeds. The main thing to remember that these dogs are prone to rapid weight gain, so the amount of food consumed by them must be closely monitored. Also, you can not give food from the table. Dishes prepared for humans can harm a dog like poison.

The question of which feeding model to choose (dry food or natural products) provokes a lot of controversy. The owners will have to decide after they start the Great Dane. Regardless of their decision, it should be a balanced and natural food.

Allowed products:

Lean meat


Sea fish





Prohibited Products:

Fat meat

Smoked meat



Bakery products


Dog training Dog training

Begin training should be about 2-3 months from the date of birth of the puppy. Education is compulsory, since the huge, uncontrollable dog can cause a lot of problems both to the owners and to those around them. When buying a Great Dane, you need to adequately assess the degree of responsibility for its actions.

The process of the training of the Great Dane must take place in a calm manner. Physical punishment should not be applied; education based on the promotion of various delicacies and delicacies is better suited. Training is not a quick process, so you have to be patient.

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