Italian Greyhound
Italian greyhound fully reflects the spirit of Italy. It ideally combines grace, elegance and courage. These mischievous animals amaze everyone with their playfulness, which causes a number of nuances, which we now talk about.
- Origin Italy, Growth 30 - 60 сm., Weight 3 - 6 kg.
- Lifespan 10-15 years
Wool length
Mind and wit
Fit for allergics: No
Name of the breed: Italian Greyhound
For families with children: No
Difficulty of care: No
Dog guard: No
Guide-dog: No
Ability to train: Yes
Interesting Facts
- Italian greyhound is a truly royal dog. She was a favorite of many rulers from different countries. She was respected and revered, her real bath days with fragrant oils and perfumes were arranged for her, and she could only lie on natural silk pillows.
- Despite the fact that the Italian Greyhound is very thin and fragile legs, many note the fact that it is very fast and agile.
- These dogs really have an eagle eye. They are a mile away able to see potential prey and begin to pursue it. And it does not matter that it can be a simple piece of paper or a package.
- Italian greyhound is a real cat in the form of a dog. She loves to spend evenings on her master's lap: either warming him or warming from the heat of his knees.
Breed history
The dog breed Levretk has a long history of origin. It began long before the era of our era in ancient Egypt, whence it later came to Italy. This is evidenced by the numerous images of dogs on the works of masters and artists, dated to the 5th century BC.
In Italy, the history of the Italian Greyhound is associated with luxury and wealth. This dog was highly revered, pampered, encouraged in everything. She was close to the courts of the most senior people not only in Italy, but also in Prussia, Russia, Great Britain.
The breed did not receive its modern appearance immediately. In order to achieve it, tremendous work was carried out to improve it. As a result, in the 20s-30s of the last century, the history of the Italian Greyhound came to acquire its current appearance.
Description of the Italian Greyhound
First of all, it is worth noting that these dogs are very tiny, compact and fragile. The average values of their growth of about 35 cm, and weight does not exceed 5 kg. The body of a dog can be compared to a square: the height at the withers is approximately equal to the total length of the body. The loin is strongly lowered down, and the stomach is picked up. The tail is long, thin and lowered down.
The head is elongated, very long, pointed closer to the tip. Ears are in a half-standing position. Limbs extremely fragile, thin and long.
The coat in the description of the Italian Greyhound is very thick, soft, short. Its colors can be a huge variety of variations: from black to various shades of red, white, gray.
Character of Italian Greyhound
The manners of these pets reflect the essence of their "royal" origin. These pets are very gentle, affectionate, courteous. They love people, but they only allow friends and closest friends to them. Children are tolerated, but more adult surroundings are preferable.
Games have a special place in the character of Italian Greyhound. They adore them, but they are extremely selective. It is important to ensure that they do not overwork, as the fragile bone system often suffers due to excessive activity.
Care of Italian Greyhound
These dogs are ideal for living in a city apartment. They can be successfully accustomed to the tray, they do not need multiple and long walking, and their easy-going disposition does not deliver labor with its content.
Caring for Italian Greyhound is simple and easy. Short and docile wool can reduce combing to once a week, bathing about once every two weeks. Care for claws, teeth, ears and eyes should be regular, but does not require any special attention.
Italian greyhound does not like the cold. In this regard, if you still teach the dog to walk, it is better to take care of clothes for him.
For feeding the Greyhound specialists do not recommend resorting to a mixed type of feeding. He will hurt the dog's digestive tract. It is better to choose either dry food or a diet consisting of natural products.
Recommendations of veterinarians in this respect are generally the same:
Food should be premium or super premium class, balanced on BJU, contain all the necessary nutrients and vitamins for the health of the dog;
It is necessary to choose food depending on the individual characteristics of your pet (it is advisable to do this, after consulting with your breeder and veterinarian);
Natural food includes: various cereals, lean meat, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, oils and herbs.
It is forbidden to include pastries, sweets, spices, legumes, and smoked meats in the leftover’s diet.
Dog training
These dogs are still aristocrats. They love to cheat and be stubborn in the process of education. In this regard, the training of the Italian Greyhound should be started as early as possible and immediately indicate who is the boss. The pet should strictly obey you.
An important aspect of the training of the Italian Greyhound is training to a leash. Despite the fact that the dog is fragile and small and, seemingly, why to restrain it, the hunting instincts of the ancestors remained in it, which often cause the animal to escape.
The rest of the education is reduced to the usual basic commands and the socialization of the dog.
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