Leonberger combines a faithful friend, a good companion and a sensitive guard. If you want to learn more about its history and the characteristics of care and upbringing, read our article.
- Origin Germany, Growth 60 - 80 сm., Weight 50 - 90 kg.
- Lifespan 8-12 years
Wool length
Mind and wit
Fit for allergics: No
Name of the breed: Leonberger
For families with children: Yes
Dog guard: No
Difficulty of care: Yes
Guide-dog: Yes
Ability to train: Yes
Interesting Facts
- Despite the large parameters and external danger, many owners note this fact about Leonberger: they are madly in love with children and treat them with special trepidation.
- Despite the lack of aggressive traits and a tendency to dominate the character of the dog, they are excellent watchmen.
- In the city of Leonberg (Leonberg) a monument to a dog Leonberger is installed.
- The first representatives of the breed appeared on the territory of Russia only at the end of the last century. This fact about Leonberger dated 1989 year.
- The name of the founding father of the breed is Henrich Essig.
Breed origin
The history of the breed began in Germany at the beginning of the 19th century. There, the head of the city Leonberg caught on the idea of breeding a dog like a lion, which could be the personification of the symbol of the city. To do this, he began to cross breeds such as Newfoundland, Pyrenean Mountain Dog and St. Bernard. The official date of origin of Leonberger is considered to be 1846.
Unfortunately, the wars of the 20th century left their mark on the Leonberger breed, and it was practically destroyed. Only due to the tremendous work on its restoration was it possible to restore the look.
Today it is a great faithful dog who is devoted to his master, loves children and has tremendous working skills.
Leonberger description
These dogs have very large parameters and strong musculature. Height can vary between 65-80 cm, and weight - 45-77kg. Their torso is characterized by a broad chest and back, athletic. Their belly is slightly tucked up. Limbs, both front and rear, straight, not too close to each other, parallel. Leonberger dog's tail is rather long, richly covered with hair.
His head is proportional to the body, not too big and not too wide. It has an elongated shape. The transition from the forehead to the face is not very clearly expressed. Ears are hanging, eyes have oval shape and color of different shades of brown. Nose, or rather his lobe, black. His jaws are very strong and powerful, have a scissor bite.
The next item in the description of Leonberger is his coat. It is very soft, lush, forming a "lion's mane" on the chest and around the head. Also, he is not deprived of the undercoat, which warms the dog in any weather.
Possible colors:
Different shades of red
Pale yellow
Leonberger in the apartment
Both breeders and veterinarians are not advised to start a Leonberger to live in an apartment. Still, this is a big dog that needs space. Plus, thick wool will cause the need for daily cleaning in the apartment, because due to the dry air, the molt may be not 2 times a year, but year round.
Leonberger dog should not be bathed too often, only to the extent of pollution. To comb out, as has been said earlier, you really need often, preferably every day. Claws should be ground naturally during frequent, long and active walks, but if this does not happen, they should be cut. Ears are subject to weekly inspection and cleaning, as well as eyes that need regular rinsing.
Leonberger in the apartment is not the easiest pet to care for, since he will need the constant attention of the owner.
Breed nutrition
To date, experts identify three possible types of food. This is a diet consisting of dry food, natural products or mixed. To power Leonberger fit any of these options. The main thing is not to forget that it is strictly prohibited to feed him from the table, and also that feeding should be carried out after walks.
When choosing food, you need to focus on manufacturers of super-premium quality products with good composition. Speaking of natural food, one should prefer meat, sea fish, buckwheat, rice, vegetables. Also be sure to give the dog oil. But what is forbidden is the various sausages, convenience foods, flour, sweet and spices.
Leonberger's upbringing
Training a dog of the Leonberger breed is mandatory, and it should begin immediately after the puppy has entered a new home. Its undoubted advantage is that it is smart, capable of fast learning, and also malleable, i.e. he does not seek to dominate the relationship with the owner. Thanks to this, Leonberger's upbringing takes place in an easy and relaxed manner.
Training should be carried out in several stages. For a start, be sure to socialize the dog, i.e. instill in him the correct behavior in the presence of strangers and animals, while walking on the street, or just at home. Then you can proceed to the gradual addition of basic commands. More in-depth training is desirable to conduct with professionals.
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