The Maltipu breed dog is not recognized by any felinological organization. Find out why from our article.
- Origin of USA, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 1 - 3 kg.
- Lifespan 10-15 years
Wool length
Mind and wit
Fit for allergics: Yes
Name of the breed: Maltipu
For families with children: Yes
Difficulty of care: Yes
Dog guard: No
Guide-dog: No
Ability to train: Yes
Interesting Facts
- Despite the fact that people are in love with these babies, no international organization has ever recognized them. The reason is the alleged lack of prospects for its breeding.
- The most expensive are the Maltipu F1 generation. They have the famous “baby face”.
- Maltipu are hypoallergenic.
- The happy owners of the four-legged were Rihanna, Jessica Simpson and Sergey Zhukov.
Appearance story
The name of the breed was formed by combining the names of two other dogs. This is a Maltese lapdog and toy poodle. It was they who gave rise to a charming, toy baby conquering the hearts of not only America, but also the CIS countries. Why did we mention America in the first place? Because there they were born.
There are two possible reasons for the crossing of the ancestors. The first claims that the goal was to get the perfect pet for allergy sufferers. The second is connected with the desire to derive a reference dog: very smart and beautiful.
Work on fluffy began about 20 years ago in the United States. There, they quickly became popular thanks to their cute, puppy appearance. They appeal to many celebrities who gave them even more exclusivity. Yes, it was difficult to get such an animal because of the high price, which gave them the status of VIP.
Description of Maltipu
There is no clear standard. Because of this, very often unscrupulous sellers give out just poodles for a designer puppy. Be extremely careful when choosing!
The most valuable and desired is the pup of generation F1 from the USA (a cross between a bologna and a poodle). Mating can also be done between Maltipu and one of the progenitors or two Maltipu.
F1 puppies are recognized as the cutest in the description of Maltipu.
Maltipu colors
Coat is a separate issue that directly affects price formation. The most expensive - with a silky, wavy coat. It also occurs with stiff, straight or curly hair.
Maltipu colors can never be predicted. They are:
Maltipu Character
You can admire Maltipu's surprisingly friendly, contact character for an infinitely long time. These dogs remain puppies in the shower, even in old age. They still continue to play, run, jump, have fun directly. This is their special charm and charm.
The owners unanimously reiterate that their favorites are also tails. They love to take part in all family affairs, walks, trips. This is a definite plus if you want to see the dog not only on the couch, but also your companion in any business.
During walks on the street, the animal does not try to show its leadership, authority. He will be happy to play with everyone. But it is important to monitor his mood. Sometimes, playing out, the baby begins to become impudent and overestimate his strength.
Maltipa Care
The main issue in the content is wool, its beauty, health. Maltip care features vary and depend on the type of hair. The most troublesome is the hard cover, as it often gets stuck in tackles that are difficult to comb. That is why fluffy with silky hair is considered the most expensive and valuable, since it is completely not whimsical.
It is recommended to bathe as always as it gets dirty.
I would also like to note that the little baby is perfect for living in an apartment. He does not need a lot of space, quite comfortable, warm, secluded bed.
Walking for hours is also not needed. Enough 2 for half an hour.
How to feed Maltipa
Like any other four-legged, you can only feed Maltipa with high-quality natural food or premium dry feed. Approach the choice of diet as seriously as possible, because it is he who will affect the health, longevity of the baby.
The availability of natural products is in favor of natural products, but the time spent on the preparation sometimes repels them. And feeds are more expensive, but significantly simplify the life of the owners.
And remember: never give the dog food from the table, leftovers. The same goes for sausages, smoked meats, sweets, pastries.
Dog training
Due to the fact that fluffy is a designer, decorative dog, she does not need too serious training. Of course, when you move to a new home, you will have to socialize it. This means that you should immediately instill the correct behaviors in the house, with guests, children, other animals, on the street, etc.
The preferred method is the promotion in combination with praise. So you will not disturb the psyche of the caudate and build the correct, positive relationship between you.
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