Newfoundland dog

A dog that feels like a fish in water is Newfoundland. Get to know with it closer after reading our article, which contains the opinion of professionals about its content and upbringing.

  • Origin Canada, Growth 30 - 60 сm., Weight 20 - 50 kg.
  • Lifespan 8-12 years


Wool length



Mind and wit

Average cost

0 - 2113 $



Voted: 14


Name of the breed: Newfoundland

Fit for allergics: No

For families with children: Yes

Difficulty of care: No

Dog guard: No

Guide-dog: Yes

Ability to train: Yes

Interesting Facts Interesting facts about Newfoundland

  1. The first fact about Newfoundland is that between the paws of their paws they have membranes, thanks to which these dogs swim so well.
  2. These dogs are from Canada.


  3. The following fact about Newfoundland relates to the healing abilities of these dogs: they feel the painful places of the owner and try to heal them with licking.
  4. At the moment there is another unofficial color of these dogs - gray.
  5. Dogs of this breed often have dreams, as evidenced by howling, barking, twitching paws.

story The history of the breed Newfoundland

The origin of this breed is fanned by many mysteries. For certain it was not possible to establish from where this dog originates. There are many versions according to which these dogs supposedly originated from the mating of a local wolf with a mastiff or with Viking dogs. Perhaps the history of the Newfoundland breed is related to the Basques.

Europe met these dogs in the 19th century. They showed their unsurpassed qualities in the water as assistants to fishermen, as well as lifeguards.

For this, Newfoundland got the nickname "diver".

Description What does Newfoundland look like?

Newfoundland (Newfoundland dog) can be described as follows: this is a big, strong, fluffy dog. These quadrupeds are distinguished by developed muscles, a broad chest, an athletic back and a long powerful neck. Straight belly. Their tail is long in order to be a kind of helper during the voyage. Limbs strong, long, straight and parallel, and paws are round.

The parameters of these dogs rather big: weight about 55-65 kg, and an increase of about 65-70 cm.

The head looks very massive. The muzzle is not very elongated, has a square shape. The eyes are small, dark in color. The ears are also relatively small, drooping, triangular in shape. The nose is big and black.

Newfoundland looks like a big bear thanks to its thick coat. It consists of long and straight guard hairs and a soft warm undercoat. Coat has water-repellent properties. The color can be black, white and black and brown. Only white spots are allowed.

Care Dog content newfoundland

As already noted earlier, the parameters of this dog are really impressive. They need space, a place for active games. At home they should equip a cozy bed, as these dogs love this kind of pastime.

If you are worried that keeping a Newfoundland dog is difficult, relax, as this is not the case. They can be bathed as they are polluted, actively combed out only during the season of molting, and the care of ears, eyes, claws and teeth is standard, the same as in other breeds.

Nutrition Feeding the breed Newfoundland

Newfoundland (Newfoundland dog) is a big dog, and accordingly it eats a lot. These dogs are prone to gaining weight quickly, so it’s best to clearly track the amount of food they consume. It is impossible to succumb to their begging, there must be a strictly defined number of meals per day, for example, two.

Dry food should be chosen the best quality, natural and balanced. The natural diet should consist half of meat, and the second half of cereals and vegetables. Under the ban on feeding the breed Newfoundland standard set of products: pork, chicken, sausages, semi-finished products, spices.

training Newfoundland dog training

Newfoundland dogs are incredibly intelligent. They seize on the fly something new. But they will only listen to the person who deserves their respect. They also do not like stupid and meaningless orders. This is due to the fact that, historically, it turned out that these dogs were bred in such a way that they could make important decisions on their own. And therefore, when they are told something, they simply do not understand what is happening at all.

In order to properly educate a dog, you need to approach the process of training dogs Newfoundland very carefully. These pets can not be beaten, shout at them. Training should be gradual and respectful with the use of promotion techniques.

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