
“Sweet lotus flower”- second name of Pekingese. In this article you can learn more about the reasons why these dogs are so revered at the palace of the emperor, and how to care for them today.

  • Origin China, Growth 10-20 cm., Weight 3 - 6 kg.
  • Lifespan 15-20 years


Wool length



Mind and wit

Average cost

0 - 1000 $



Voted: 17


Name of the breed: Pekingese

Fit for allergics: No

For families with children: No

Difficulty of care: Yes

Dog guard: No

Guide-dog: No

Ability to train: Yes

Interesting Facts Interesting facts

  1. The following fact about Pekingese is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records: Dog Puggy has the longest language in the world. It is longer than 11 inches.
  2. On board the Titanic (Titanic) was Pekingese, who also managed to survive the crash.


  3. The lifespan of these little dogs is really long. The following fact about Pekingese shows that many representatives of this breed lived for about 20 years.
  4. Pekingese do not get along well with children.

story Pekingese History

The homeland of this breed is China (China). There, these pets were close to the emperor's court. It was strictly forbidden to take them outside, and those who dared to take such a step were expected to die.

In China, there is one legend about the history of the Pekingese. According to her, the ancestors of these doggies are the lion and the monkey, from which he inherited a funny exterior and a brave spirit.

The roots of the Pekingese dog breed go deep into antiquity. It can be said for sure that she is over 2000 years old, and during this time, of course, a lot of changes took place in her appearance, which nevertheless had no effect on the fact that Pekinges was able to conquer the whole world.

Description Pekingese Feature

These four-legged are distinguished by compact parameters and squat. Their growth ranges from 15-25 cm, and weight is no more than 3-5 kg. Their torso is rather short, straight; tail curved, richly decorated with hair; the chest is curved, and the neck is short and dense.

The head of these doggies is large and massive. On it you can clearly see the transition from a flat skull to a wide muzzle. It is also flat, with large dark eyes; wide nose that is right in the middle of the eyes. A mandatory feature of the Pekingese is a black bezel around the eyes and lips, preferably a black mask.

Coat is very rich. It consists of a velvety and warm undercoat, as well as coarse guard hair. The density of the wool, however, does not hide the bends of the body.
Regarding the color there is no strict framework. The most common color is red, but you can also see white, black, and brown.

Care Pekingese at home

Due to their compactness, these dogs can be easily kept in an apartment. Frequent walking they do not need, in fact, as strong physical exertion. Pekingese in the home needs a cozy, warm, soft bed.

Wool is the key to caring for this dog. It is very thick and long, so for the comfort of both the owners and the pet it is recommended to comb it daily. If the temperature outside is hot, you can make a short haircut to make it easier for the dog to cope with it.

Bathing should not be too frequent, only as needed. Ears must be inspected and cleaned so that infection does not develop there. Claws, because of a low-active lifestyle, should be trimmed more often. Eyes should be washed with a cotton swab.

Nutrition What to feed Pekingese?

The nutrition of these four-footed can be described as standard, not having any specific features. Feeding both feed and natural products is acceptable. The main thing is that it is useful, high quality and balanced. It is better to choose dry food, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the dog, after consulting with a veterinarian or your breeder.

The question of how to feed Pekingese when choosing a natural type of food is more complicated. This should necessarily meat, cereals, vegetables and dairy products. Cheese and beef bones can be given as encouragement. But what is forbidden to give, so this chicken bones, convenience foods, smoked meats, pasta and potatoes.

training Pekingese training

You need to educate any dog ​​without exception. As for Pekingese, his training is better to start at the age of 2-3 months. However, not all so simple. Stubbornness is peculiar to these dogs, so this aspect should be taken into account in the learning process. You can not shout, apply physical punishment against these four-legged: they are very proud and can harbor an insult. It is better to approach the process of Pekingese training consistently and patiently. Only in this way can you raise a raised pet.

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