Name of the breed: Poodle
Fit for allergics: Yes
For families with children: Yes
Difficulty of care: Yes
Dog guard: No
Guide-dog: Yes
Ability to train: Yes
Facts about the Poodle
- Probably the most famous among us is the poodle Artemon from the fairy tale about Buratino, who has repeatedly rescued heroes.
- Oddly enough, but the word "puddeln" is not of French, but of German origin and means "floundering in the water." Obviously, hunting originates when they are used, including for hunting waterfowl.
- An interesting fact about the Poodle is that it is recognized as one of the smartest dogs in the world.
- In the immortal work of Goethe "Faust" Mephistopheles appeared to the main character in the image of a poodle.
The history of the Poodle
It is believed that the history of the Poodle began in France, but some sources called Germany. Looking at his slightly arrogant appearance, we can say that it is rather D'Artagnan than Hans.
Today the Poodle is a home and decorative pet. But initially they were hunters. In some countries, such as the USA, Canada, Russia, they are still used in bird hunting. Excellent predisposition to training brought the Poodle to the arenas of circuses and various shows where animals are involved.
Description of the Poodle
There are four main varieties: large, small, dwarf and toy poodle.
- Large - from 45 to 60 centimeters;
- Small - from 35 to 45 centimeters;
- Dwarf or miniature - from 28 to 35 centimeters;
- Toy Poodle - from 24 to 28 centimeters;
Wool - curly or corded;
The color is necessarily homogeneous, the following colors are allowed: black, white, apricot, brown, silver, red - recently recognized.
The eyes of the dog are almond-shaped, set obliquely, dark. Look smart, temperamental.
Fourth pet shorn. This gives the Poodle description a special charm. Those who participate in exhibitions, haircuts are regulated: modern, Scandinavian lion, continental, English lion. For the owners of the Poodle not for exhibitions, it is not necessary to adhere to the regulations, but you still have to cut them.
Character, training and care of the Poodle
These furry friends are real gentlemen in the animal world. Kind and affectionate towards people, loyal to the owner, very often they even calmly treat cats. At the same time, they are fully capable of standing up for themselves, friendly to their own kind and absolutely not cowardly.
The owners note the outstanding intelligence and inclinations to train their pets. He is easy to contact, listens to the owner.
Character calm, docile. The poodle is diligent and active, loves to play and execute commands, requires attention, but not intrusive, easily adapts to new conditions. As a rule, he is curious, tolerates travel.
Special care for the Poodle does not cause. The main thing you should pay attention to is grooming and haircut. The advantage is the lack of molting, so even an allergic can afford a poodle.
But the quadrupeds themselves can sometimes suffer from allergies to some products. Nothing wrong with that, just exclude this product from the diet.
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