Samoyed dog

Snow-white beauty - it is impossible to perceive the Samoyed dog in any other way. At one glance, she wants to drown in her thick, fluffy, silky wool and find out what history is fraught with the origin of the true northern miracle.

  • Origin Russia, Growth 30 - 60 сm., Weight 20 - 50 kg.
  • Lifespan 10-15 years


Wool length



Mind and wit

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0 - 30000 $



Voted: 26


Name of the breed: Samoyed dog

Fit for allergics: Yes

For families with children: Yes

Difficulty of care: No

Dog guard: No

Guide-dog: Yes

Ability to train: Yes

Interesting Facts Interesting facts

  1. The name of the breed - “Samoyed” is shrouded in considerable disputes. According to one version, when the dogs were harnessed in teams, the white coat of dogs completely merged with the snow cover. As a result, it seemed as if the sleds were literally eating themselves. Hence the name - “self” + “food”.
  2. Samoyeds are wildly devoted to their master and ready to take care of him in any situation. Even if you take your pet with you to sleep, he will not disturb you. The dog can lie all night in the same position just to not wake you up.

    Samoyed dog

  3. An interesting fact is that this breed is ranked in the Spitz category.
  4. Despite the fact that the Samoyed loves independence, he is wildly attached to his family. If you leave him alone for a long time, the pet may be offended and start howling and barking plaintively.
  5. Good mood with these northern cuties you provided! And this is really a fact. In America, doctors recommend these dogs as a kind of antidepressant, as they bear the title of "dogs for a good mood."

story The history of the Samoyed dog

This breed of dogs is ranked among the most ancient, and its origins are fanned by many different versions and legends. It is believed that these quadrupeds for more than one millennium were faithful companions of the northern tribes.

The first information about the breed appeared in the Samoyed language (the language of the Samoyed group of peoples). These peoples are the ancestors of the Nenets, Ngasans and Enets. This is due to the fact that the Samoyedians, in the 1-2 millennia, left their native lands near the rivers Yenisei and Ob and began to live in the polar region.

Due to the fact that the Samoyed dog is very similar to the polar wolf, there is a version according to which the Samoyeds could domesticate the wolf.

The aboriginal Samoyeds were excellent assistants to their masters: they herded animals, were faithful companions in the hunt, and also nurses for children. Yes Yes! Samoyeds are wonderful nannies. This is explained by the fact that often parents left their children in plague for the night along with dogs, which, like "live coats," warmed them from the cold.

Description Appearance and parameters

Samoyed dog - a harmony of contrasts in one animal. It perfectly combines power, strength, consistency, stamina and at the same time tenderness, kindness, grace and immense love for children. Parameters dog can be described as average.

  • Height: 50-60 cm.
  • Weight: 17-30 kg.

The body of the dog is strong, strong, moderately elongated. Its continuation is a fluffy long tail. The head is wide, stretched closer to the deep muzzle. On it are black lips, which, due to the slightly curved corners, form a “smile”; almond-shaped, with black rim, dark eyes and black nose.

Triangular ears set high and wide, slightly bent at the ends. In general, the view of the dog is very inviting and kind.

The main adornment of the Samoyed is a smart “fur coat”. It consists of two layers: the undercoat is softer, thick, dense, and the coat is harder, longer. Both layers create a reliable barrier even from the most severe cold.

Color can be either pure white or cream.

maintenance Care, nutrition and education of Samoyed

1. Care for Samoyed dog.

In the content Samoyed dog unpretentious. The ideal option of course would be to keep in a house with a large plot, in which a pet could have a lot of frolic, but it can also live in an apartment with frequent (at least 2 times a day) and active walks.

It is recommended to bathe no more than 3-4 times a day, so as not to disturb the protective functions of the wool, but it should be combed as often as possible, preferably every day. We should not forget about cutting the claws, rinsing the eyes, regular cleaning of the ears and teeth.

2. Food Samoyed dogs.

The question of food will not cause you much trouble. Feed the pet should be 2 times a day, morning and evening, at the same time and in equal portions. Preference should be given to super premium and premium feeds.

Speaking of natural products, it is of course a ban on spices, sausages, sausages, and the emphasis on meat, cereals, vegetables / fruits. Many are amazed by the fact that Samoyeds love fish very much. You can even give it to them as a treat.

3. Education Samoyed dogs.

In matters of education you need to be patient and gradual. Samoyeds are very freedom loving, independent animals. They should not push and rude to treat them. Training is better to start as early as possible, they should be as active and diverse.

For security purposes, it will not work. She is too kind and completely devoid of aggression. But if you want to raise a faithful, reliable companion and friend, then this breed will fully meet all your expectations.

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