The little black wolf is Shipperke! In this article, you will learn the opinion of experts about everything related to its content, origin, as well as a number of interesting facts that will prove that you definitely need to get Shipperke.
- Origin Belgium, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 3 - 6 kg.
- Lifespan 10-15 years
Wool length
Mind and wit
Fit for allergics: No
Name of the breed: Schipperke
For families with children: Yes
Dog guard: No
Difficulty of care: No
Guide-dog: No
Ability to train: Yes
Interesting Facts
- Despite their small size, these little dogs are excellent watchmen! They are very wary of strangers, and also try to notify their masters about their arrival with the help of a loud barking.
- Often this breed is confused with Spitz. And indeed, they are very similar. But the completely unexpected fact about the Shipperke is that they are referred to Shepherd Dogs!
- These cuties get along well with children.
- The dogs of this breed are often called "black devil". It is not known for certain that this name became the result, but according to one of the theories this fact about the Sipperk is due to the rather hard hunting of four-legged people.
- Unique wool perfectly protects Shipperke from fierce frosts, and also helps in swimming.
Breed origin
These tetrapods originate in Belgium (Belgium). There is no exact information about the origin of the breed, but most likely its ancestor is the ancient dog Leuvenaar. The origin of Sipperke dates back to the 17th century. At that time, it was the most beloved dog of simple laborers, which could be engaged in catching mice and guards.
The formation date of the first breed standard is 1888.
Description Sipperke
These charming little dogs are compact in size. Height varies between 26-35 cm, and weight - 3-9 kg. The body is ideally square: wide and short. Their back is rather strong, the neck is athletic, the tail is stopped.
The limbs of these dogs are short, slender, but strong. Legs miniature, round, with black claws.
The proportions of the head are in harmony with the body. The skull is wedge-like, the muzzle is narrowed closer to the black nose, the eyes are almond-shaped, black, as are the lips.
Thanks to the coat cover, the description of Sipperke is very majestic. The coat is very, very thick, dense, coarse, and the undercoat is soft. The maximum effect of the breed has precisely its mane: longer hair from the ears and below the chest.
Color in the description of Shipperke is possible exclusively black.
Dog content
Due to the compact size of the dog, you can keep it in a small apartment. But! In this case, she will need frequent and active walks, since the character of these little dogs is not at all domestic. They constantly want to learn something new and interesting.
Despite the fact that the wool is thick and it seems that caring for it will be difficult - this is not at all the case. It is often impossible to bathe a dog, it is enough a couple of times a year (if necessary). Wool comb out special brushes. Content Shipperke also does not exclude the need to closely monitor the teeth, as representatives of the breed have a number of problems with them. For eyes and ears, standard inspection, cleansing and rinsing as necessary is sufficient.
Read more about nutrition Schipperke
The eternal problem and the reason for disputes of all dog lovers: “How and what to feed the dog?” Food Shipperke in this regard does not cause much trouble to the owners. The key point is that it should be balanced, high-quality, useful. Feed the pet should be 2 times a day, but allowed once. It is impossible to overfeed a pet - it will negatively affect its health.
The choice of the type of food (organic foods, dry food or mixed) falls entirely on the shoulders of the owner, who decided to start Shipperke. The main thing is not to mix natural food and feed. These are separate meals.
The diet should consist of meat (preferably beef), cereals, vegetables. We should not forget about dairy products, for example, cottage cheese, kefir.
Shipperke training
These dogs differ extraordinary mind. Their ability and desire to learn is simply amazing. Training Shipperke passes very easily and quickly, as these four-legged people all seize on the fly.
Given the fact that they are madly attached to their master and in every way seek to please him, the training will be carried out simply with lightning speed. Scold them in case of failure is not worth it - it is better to apply the method of promotion (it is several times more effective).
But the mind is also a “hindrance” to the process. He becomes the reason that Shipperke can become just boring, so it is recommended to make classes as diverse and entertaining as possible.
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