Schnauzer is a group of universal German dogs that possess a number of positive qualities with which we associate our country of origin - Germany. It is courage, intelligence, self-confidence and steadfastness.
- Origin Germany, Growth 30 - 60 сm., Weight 6 - 10 kg.
- Weight 20 - 50 kg., Lifespan 15-20 years
Wool length
Mind and wit
Fit for allergics: Yes
Name of the breed: Schnauzer
For families with children: Yes
Dog guard: No
Difficulty of care: No
Guide-dog: Yes
Ability to train: Yes
Interesting Facts
- Intelligence and ingenuity, as well as excellent training abilities, create magnificent circus dogs from Schnauzer.
- The coat of these dogs does not have the classic "dog smell." This fact is confirmed by all owners.
- Giant schnauzer and mittelschnauzer are often attracted to serve in the police, as well as in search and rescue teams.
- Yuri Nikulin had a dog of the Giant Schnauzer breed named Fyodor. Even on the grave monument, the actor is depicted with his favorite.
- Schnauzer - "Medic"? As they say, unbelievable, but true! The dog named George became famous due to his ability to determine the presence of malignant cells in the human body by smell.
- Miniature Schnauzer is the 7th most popular breed in the world.
Breed history
To this day, the origin of the breed could not be restored in detail. It is only known that these tetrapods come from Bavaria (Bavaria), and their ancestor is a pinscher. Initially, Schnauzer was used as a catcher of rats and mice (in this occupation he had no equal). Over time, these dogs began to start as a companion and just a beautiful pet.
In Germany, in the 70s of the 19th century, representatives of this breed were called “wire haired pinschers”. In 1879, a landmark for the history of Schnauzer, a dog named Schnauzer won the dog show - he gave the name to the entire breed.
Schnauzer Description
The group is divided into three separate breeds:
Standard Schnauzer
Miniature Schnauzer
Giant Schnauzer
These three species differ in the parameters of their representatives. 1st - medium in size, 2nd - miniature, 3rd - large.
The build of dogs is quite athletic, angular. The body is of medium length with a slightly sloping back. The head can be compared to a rectangle on which triangular ears are set high, facing forward and slightly hanging. The neck is rather long, graceful and noble. Chest medium latitude. Thick tail tapers at the end.
Depending on the subspecies, the parameters of these dogs also differ:
Growth ranges from 30 to 70 cm.
Weight within 4-47 kg.
The hair of the animal is very tough, thick and straight, with a dense undercoat. Curly and soft hair does not fit into the standard and is recognized as a defect.
Eyebrows, beards and mustaches are the key distinguishing feature of the Schnauzer description, which is created by cutting hair in these places.
Peculiarities of keeping, feeding and training
Schnauzer content
These dogs are very active and therefore frequent, physically active walks are vital for them. The ideal place to keep a Schnauzer would of course be a house with a large territory near which it could spill out all the energy in it.
Care of the coat is not too burdensome. Bathing should not be very frequent, only as pollution. Wool should be combed every day, as well as regularly trimmed. The hair on the face is recommended to be washed after each feeding.
Feeding the dog
If you want to have a Schnauzer, you need to be prepared for the fact that these quadrupeds are prone to allergies. That is why the approach to the preparation of the diet should be carefully and wisely.
When choosing a dry food should not chase the price or brand. You can consult with your breeder or veterinarian, carefully examine the composition. The main thing is to feed was balanced, natural and useful.
When feeding Schnauzer with natural products, you need to prepare food with a minimum of salt and spices. The diet should consist mainly of cereals such as buckwheat, rice, as well as wheat and barley crops. Plus, you need to give meat, vegetables and fruits.
The list of prohibited foods includes sausages, sausages, sweets, grapes.
Training Schnauzer
This breed is famous for its very mobile representatives. Without physical activity they can not. That is why if you want to get yourself a puppy of this particular breed, pre-tune in to the fact that classes with a pet will take away some of your time.
Begin training Schnauzer as early as possible. The only acceptable learning model is the game. So, the dog very quickly will master absolutely any commands. Due to the fact that they are excellent hunters with excellent smell, you should pay attention to the development of these qualities in your pet.
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