Shiba Inu
It is impossible to look at Shiba Inu without an inner feeling of contact with something special, mysterious, unexplored. These dogs can be compared with the Japanese warriors. With one glance at them, it seems that you are transported to distant Japan, that you are touching something intimate.
- Origin Japan, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 6 - 10 kg.
- Lifespan 10-15 years
Wool length
Mind and wit
Name of the breed: Shiba Inu
Fit for allergics: No
For families with children: Yes
Difficulty of care: No
Dog guard: No
Guide-dog: Yes
Ability to train: Yes
Curious facts
- Shiba Inu - those are still "smiles". Because of the structure of their jaws, the impression of a real smile on the dog's face is created.
- A funny fact is that the cunning is inherent in all members of this breed. If they have fooled somewhere, get ready for a series of tricks to avoid punishment.
- Favorite activity of these four-legged is contemplation. They can spend hours all the time watching the beauties of nature.
- Shiba Inu is the 46th most popular dog in the United States.
Shiba Inu's Story
Scientists conducted a series of genetic studies that showed that these dogs are descendants of the oldest breed. The roots of the Shiba Inu story go deep into the past, and it began in the III century BC. Modern Shiba Inu is the result of mating native dogs with dogs that were brought to Japan by settlers from Korea.
After Japan became an open country in 1862, a whole series of mixes of Shiba Inu with other breeds began. The result was that its purebred representatives were on the verge of extinction. In order to prevent this, in 1928, with the support of the authorities, a society was created to preserve this species. A long work was carried out, thanks to which today we have the opportunity to observe these beautiful "Japanese samurai".
Appearance Shiba Inu
Shiba Inu is a small, compact dog. The body is characterized by athleticism and a fairly strong skeleton. The back is straight, wide, strong. Its continuation is a twisted fat tail. A powerful chest can be compared to an indestructible wall.
Average body size:
- Height: 35-40 cm.
- Weight: 7-13 kg.
The head of these dogs is quite wide with a clear boundary between the skull and the muzzle, which is characterized by sharp cheekbones and narrowing closer to the nose. She by the way should be preferably black. The eyes of dogs have a triangular shape, dark, and their outer corners are slightly raised. Ears stand high on the skull, directed straight forward, triangular and standing.
Limbs, both front and rear, straight, muscular, tightly pressed against the body. Paws are round, soft, with black claws. The walk of these dogs is characterized by incredible grace and elegance.
Shiba Inu coat consists of two layers: a hard guard hair and a soft, thick undercoat.
Under the standard of appearance appearance Shiba Inu falls into three types of color:
- Redhead
- Zonar
- Black and tan
Regardless of color, any Siba Inu must have a Urajiro (Urajiro).
Care, food, dressing Shiba Inu
1. Care of Shiba Inu
An ideal place to live, of course, would be a country house with a large territory, in which the dog could pour out all his energy, however you can easily keep it in the apartment. These four-footed - noble cleaners and neat. They are extremely rarely dirty, break something, destroy, spoil. With proper upbringing, the owner will reap the fruits of her self-sufficiency and independence.
Walking with these pets need a lot, often and actively. But they do not accept the leash at all - it is below their dignity.
Wool does not require special care. It is enough to bathe 2-3 times a year, to comb out about 2 times a week. Claws should be trimmed about 1 time per month, and brush your teeth and ears - 2 times a week. In general, taking care of Shiba Inu is pretty simple.
2. Food Shiba Inu
Remember that experts do not recommend mixed-type food for them: either industrial feed or natural food.
Speaking of industrial feed, give preference to manufacturers offering premium quality products. In addition to the usual dry food can be given wet, as well as canned meat.
Meat (beef, lamb, offal), fish, cereals, vegetables, dairy products are used as natural products for Shiba Inu.
3. Dressura Shiba Inu
Education and training should be an integral part of the dog's life. But given the freedom-loving nature of pets will have to make a lot of effort for this. The process of training Shiba Inu should be as friendly as possible, without screaming. The dog highly appreciates his dignity - it is not necessary to encroach on him, but in order for him to listen to you it will be enough to show her who is in charge and add a little rigor and team notes to his voice.
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