Siberian Husky
The Siberian Husky is a proud, independent, strong sled dog. She is very kind to all people without exception, but to tame it is not so easy. When choosing a husky, you need to take into account the fact that this breed requires respect and appropriate attitude.
- Origin Russia, Growth 30 - 60 сm., Weight 20 - 50 kg.
- Lifespan 10-15 years
Wool length
Mind and wit
Fit for allergics: No
Name of the breed: Siberian Husky
For families with children: No
Difficulty of care: No
Dog guard: No
Guide-dog: Yes
Ability to train: Yes
Interesting Facts
- Huskies are bad guards, because of their origin, they completely lack the notion of territory.
- But the fact that they are great hunters is undeniable! This is due to the fact that before the Huskians were fed only in winter, during the period when their driving qualities were used, and in other seasons they themselves got food.
- The coat and skin of the husky is odorless.
- Perhaps the most famous representative of the Siberian Husky is Balto's dog (Balto). In 1925, a team headed by Balto delivered a diphtheria vaccine to the town of Nome, Alaska. The city is distant from other human settlements and there were no other possibilities for drug delivery due to the blizzard. If it were not for Balto, there would be a real tragedy.
- In Central Park, New York stands a monument to the dog Balto.
- Many owners note the fact that the Huskies practically do not bark, they only howl.
- Huskies are a frequent guest on movie screens: "White Captivity", "Snow Five", "Call of the Ancestors" and others.
- Famous Husky owners include Jared Leto, Ben Stiller, Elena Yakovleva, Pelageya.
Husky Story
It takes its origins in the far east of Siberia, or as it was then called "The Land of Dogs". This area has long been famous for its traditions of breeding sleds, largely due to the fact that the dogs never went hungry: these places have always been rich in fish, which was their main food.
The powerful distribution of the breed began in the days of the Gold Rush (gold rush), first in Russia, then in the United States. The first Husky sled dogs in history were brought to Alaska in 1908, and already in 1934 the breed was officially registered.
Rock characterization
Due to the original purpose of the Huskies to transport people, the proportions of their bodies can be characterized as light, smooth, elegant. These criteria are important for maneuverability, agility, high speed dogs.
The size of the representatives of the breed is average: an increase of about 50-60 cm, and weight 15-28 kg. The body is compact, the body at the shoulders is slightly higher than that of the hind legs. The tail is lush, like a feather.
The neck is powerful and elongated, the chest is deep. The head is strong, with erect ears. Eyes planted not close and not far, almond-shaped. The color of the iris can be from blue to dark (even different eye colors are allowed).
Paws husky straight, tightly pressed to the body. On the fingers there are special pads that help them to run well in the snow. However, there is a risk of injury pads due to the long run. In order to avoid this, many owners wear special shoes to Huskies.
Coat of medium length with a thick undercoat. There is no clear frame in relation to color: the cover may be white, and black, and brown, with stripes and spots. The most common is considered black and gray-white colors. Not necessarily, but there may be a vertical strip above the nose and a mask.
Nutrition, content, education Huskies
Nutrition husky is permissible only two types: dry food or natural products. Mixed type is not allowed. Feeding should be carried out strictly after a walk, as if the dog eats before it can turn the intestines.
Dog food should be chosen as high-quality, balanced and without preservatives. The natural type of food must necessarily include meat (about 60-70% of the diet), by-products (liver, heart, trachea, lungs), cereals, egg yolks, kefir and cottage cheese (necessarily fat-free), vegetables.
Keep husky recommended in a country house with a large territory. In the apartment she can be quite crowded. Walking should be very frequent, long (at least one hour) and active. It is better not to lower the husky off the leash, because of their love of freedom there are frequent instances of escaping an animal. When buying, you need to take into account the fact that they have no protective instinct at all. These dogs are too good to attack anyone.
It is possible to bathe an animal 1-2 times a year. You need to comb it regularly, especially during the season of molting (every day). The summer heat, in particular in the conditions of the apartment, the dog suffers heavily, so during this period it is better not to load it.
Husky training should start as early as possible. The main thing is to show the authority and strength of the owner, otherwise the dog simply will not listen to you. The strength of this is not worth achieving, it is better to speak in a commanding, stern voice.
Though very clever, the dog is not so easy to train because of her freedom loving nature: her own genes have their own decisions. Training should be conducted in a playful, rewarding manner.
The main thing is consistency and severity.
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