“Badger Warrior”- was the name for a squat, short-footed, but absolutely charming dachshund. Historically, this compact little dog is by no means a decorative, lap dog. This is a real hunter with a bold, mischievous disposition and kind, faithful heart.
- Origin Germany, Growth 10-20 cm., Weight 3 - 6 kg.
- Lifespan 10-15 years
Wool length
Mind and wit
Fit for allergics: No
Name of the breed: Dachshund
For families with children: Yes
Difficulty of care: No
Dog guard: No
Guide-dog: No
Ability to train: Yes
Curious facts
1. The Guinness Book of Records has repeatedly recorded the fact that the taxes are still long-lived! For example, a dog from New York (New-York) has lived no less than 21 years.
2. The dachshund is recognized by the American Kennel Dog Club by the hunting dog.
3. After the events of the Second World War, in order to avoid bad associations due to the official name of the breed (Dachshund), another version has spread in English-speaking countries: “Badger Dog”.
4. Dachshund is the favorite breed of Anton Chekhov.

5. In wartime, the Nazis claimed that in their experiments they had achieved what they had learned to talk and read. Unfortunately, this fact can not be confirmed.
6. According to one of the versions, it was the dachshund that gave the name of the hot dog.
7. The first cloned dog is a dachshund! A dog named Winnie (Winnie) was successfully cloned by scientists from South Korea.
Breed history
Dachshund is originally from Germany. Although images were found that indicate the existence of the breed (although not in its present form) as early as in Ancient Egypt.
According to history, the development of the species that we are seeing today began in the south of Germany in the 17th century.
The ancestor of the dachshund is undersized hounds. Growth for the hounds was a disadvantage, and the dachshund, having successfully adopted it, made it its dignity. The dachshund also filled up the piggy bank of its positive qualities with a lively mind, sharpness, agility, fearlessness. All these qualities have created an ideal breed of dogs for hunting animals living in burrows (burrows).
In the form in which we are accustomed to see it, the dachshund was formed towards the end of the 18th century. The standard was officially approved in 1870.
Character traits
Of course, the main feature is an elongated body with short legs.
The body is distinguished by its strength and muscularity. The continuation of the long back is a fat tail. The muzzle is elongated, ears hanging and long. Short paws are nevertheless quite strong and strong.
There are 3 subspecies of dachshund. This is:
- Standard
- Dwarf
- Rabbit Height: 14-21 cm, weight (depending on the subspecies): 3.5 - 9 kg.
In addition to the subspecies in the parameters, allocate subspecies by type of wool:
- Long haired
- Smooth-haired
- Hardcore
Principles of nutrition, maintenance, education
1. Power.
These quadrupeds love to eat very much, so the amount of food consumed needs to be controlled.
Otherwise, your pet may face such a problem as obesity, which in the first place will adversely affect the health of the back (a large load on the spine). When choosing a dry food, give preference to the superpremium class, in particular, feeds that are specifically designed for dachshunds.
If the choice fell on natural products, include meat (beef, horse meat, turkey), cereals (buckwheat, rice), vegetables / fruits in the diet. The main thing is to have a balanced diet! Feed the dog should be 2 times a day, morning and evening, strictly after a walk.
2. Content.
Dachshund is an excellent pet for an apartment due to its compact parameters. They have a high level of activity, so you should take care of regular, long and, most importantly, active walks. Because of the short paws, you need to carefully ensure that the dog does not jump high, play with the dogs in proportion to its size, do not stand on its hind legs. You need to wash the dog 3-4 times a year.
Depending on the type of wool, care is as follows: a long-haired dachshund needs to be combed every day, short-haired enough to smooth with a brush with fine bristles, and wire-haired - with metal combs. Ears should be regularly inspected for various insects and dirt, eyes should be cleaned every day, and claws should be cut every two weeks.
3. Education.
Dachshund gives in to training just fine. Begin training should be approximately 2 months. Attention, attention and attention again! This is the main requirement and pledge that your pet will be kind and responsive. Training should be about 15 minutes, your voice should be strict, clear and commanding.
The dog must clearly understand its place, and who is the owner for it. Applying a certain amount of strength and patience, you will gain not only an excellent friend, but also a defender and a hunter!
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