Wire Fox Terrier
It is impossible not to fall in love with this charming little dog, and our article, which describes the opinion of professionals about its maintenance, nutrition and upbringing, will further convince you that it’s a great idea to have a fox-haired Fox Terrier!
- Origin United Kingdom, Growth 20 - 40 cm., Weight 6 - 10 kg.
- Lifespan 10-15 years
Wool length
Mind and wit
Fit for allergics: No
Name of the breed: Wire Fox Terrier
For families with children: Yes
Difficulty of care: No
Dog guard: No
Guide-dog: No
Ability to train: Yes
Interesting Facts
- It is strictly forbidden to cut these four-legged ones, as it will subsequently affect the quality of the wool - it can become soft and dull.
- Another fact about the fox-haired Fox Terrier argues that they often became full participants in the hostilities and even received medals for their service.
- They managed to conquer even Antarctica! The Fox Terrier dog got there as part of a scientific expedition in the 1928-1930s.
- The pet will gladly share with the owner any of his hobbies, be it hunting or long-distance travel.
- This dog is very fond of many famous personalities: for example, Yuri Nikulin, Leonid Yarmolnik, Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
Breed history
Fox Terrier belongs to a large group called Terriers. Presumably they all went from one common ancestor, the “Peat Dog,” from about the 11th to the 12th centuries, and their homeland is Great Britain. The history of the rough Fox Terrier began with them.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, the demand and popularity of these four-legged people increased significantly. From Great Britain they were exported all over the world and already there they won the hearts of people.
Wire Fox Terrier Description
These pets have small sizes that allow them to be very agile and maneuverable. In general, their body can be called angular and well-built. The chest is of medium width, deep. The belly is slightly tucked up. The tail is straight, usually docked.
The next item on the Wire Fox Terrier description is its head. Ideally, the parameters of the muzzle and the skull should be about the same. The transition between them is not pronounced. Triangular ears stand high enough, bent at the ends. The eyes are small, dark.
Fox Terrier options:
Height: 35-40 cm.
Weight: about 8 kg.
The short coat is thick and stiff. Color is usually white with fawn or black markings.
Dog care
Do not worry much about the content of this dog. Care for the Fox Fox Terrier is not difficult even for the busiest owner. He can even live in a small apartment. The main thing is to have the opportunity to regularly walk the dog, but just a 15-minute walk around the house does not work. This should be a full-fledged active training, saturated with various physical and intellectual exercises.
Wool also does not require much attention. Its peculiarity is that it needs to be trimmed several times a year. Trimming is a procedure that allows you to rid the pet of excess wool.
Often you should not bathe a dog, several times a year are enough.
The claws are cut about 2 times a month, the eyes are regularly rubbed, and the ears are cleaned.
How to feed a fox terrier?
In order for a four-legged friend to grow up healthy and happy, it is important to make for him proper nutrition. Experts recommend taking care of this before the puppy appears in the house.
There are two ways in the question of how to feed a hard haired Fox Terrier: natural food and dry food. A combination of these two options is possible.
In order to choose the right food, you should consult with the professionals, read reviews about products on specialized Internet sources.
If the choice fell on natural products, then the food should be presented as proteins and fats with carbohydrates. The approximate proportion is 2/3. It is best to focus on meat, fish, jelly, vegetables and fruits.
The list of prohibited foods is smoked foods, sausages, sausages, pickles, pastries, sweets, as well as an abundance of salt and spices.
Wire Fox Fox Terrier training
The education of these dogs should begin as early as possible. In principle, this recommendation is one for all. The first step is to instill in him the principles of proper behavior at home, on the street, at a party. It is important to communicate with strangers and other pets.
After that, you can proceed directly to the training Fox-terrier haired. Initially, it begins with basic commands, and only then you can proceed to a deeper, specialized training.
In order for the process to be effective and pleasant, both the owner and the dog should not conduct it in a rude manner, apply physical punishment, screams. These techniques have long shown their inefficiency. The most positive would be the use of familiar toys of the dog, his favorite snacks, as well as the simple approval of the owner.
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