Cats for sale - Brest
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- Breed: Savannah cat
- Male/Female: Male, Female
- Age: 11 Months 22 days
Доступны котята F1 и F2 Savannah
- Breed: Scottish straight
- Male/Female: Male
- Age: 2 Years 7 Months
Scottish straight cat ny25, shorthair, neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, has a passport.
Belarus, Brest
Detail- Breed: Scottish Fold
- Male/Female: Male
- Age: 2 Years 7 Months
Scottish fold, longhair cat ny25, vaccinated, chipped, has a passport
Belarus, Brest
Detail- Breed: Scottish Fold
- Male/Female: Female
- Age: 2 Years 7 Months
Scottish fold cat, longhair, ny11 from Scottish Hearts cattery, vaccinated, microchipped, international passport.
- Breed: British Longhair
- Male/Female: Male
- Age: 3 Years 11 Months
Pedigree young cat for pets and breeding.
Belarus, Brest
Detail- Breed: Scottish straight
- Male/Female: Male
- Age: 3 Years 11 Months
Good gift
- Breed: Kurilen Bobtail
- Age: 3 Years 10 Months
Like a lynx, jumping like hares, betrayed like dogs Kurilian Bobtail kittens are offered in early booking. The color is tortie, marble, semi-long-haired and short-haired. The breed is a rare aboriginal, kittens are only for those who know and appreciate.
- Breed: British Shorthair
- Male/Female: Male, Female
- Age: 4 Years 4 Months
British kittens of silver chinchilla color for breeding and just for themselves. Show class kittens with bright green and emerald eyes. Kind, affectionate, flexible. By 3 months there will be a complete package of documents.
- Breed: Devon Rex
- Male/Female: Male
- Age: 5 Years 7 Months
The kitten is 7.5 months old socialized for children, a dog, a very active and loving friend.
Belarus, Brest
Detail- Breed: Bengal cat
- Male/Female: Female
- Age: 6 Years 2 Months
Bengal pedigree girl, documents MFA, vetpasport, nom Bis, carrier of snow