Blog with helpful articles about pets has compiled truly helpful pet articles. Here you will find articles about dogs and cats that will let you know better what your pet wants!

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8 popular myths about keeping cats

8 popular myths about keeping cats

In this article, will try to debunk the most popular myths regarding grooming and keeping cats.

Castration cat: the whole truth and myths

Castration cat: the whole truth and myths

In this article we will try to analyze in detail all the pros and cons of castration cats. With us you will learn more about the features of this procedure.

Cat Births: Stages, Possible Complications, and Postpartum Care

Cat Births: Stages, Possible Complications, and Postpartum Care

Is your pet getting ready to be a mom? Learn how to help a cat in childbirth and care for her and small kittens.

Childbirth in dogs: how they pass and what help to provide to the animal

Childbirth in dogs: how they pass and what help to provide to the animal

Is your female getting ready to be a mom? We tell how to take birth in a dog at home.

Cryptorchidism in cats: treatment, surgery, consequences

Cryptorchidism in cats: treatment, surgery, consequences

Cryptorchidism is rare in cats. However, do not underestimate this ailment. Let's understand together the causes of cryptorchidism and treatment mechanisms.

Dog and owner: last minutes together

Dog and owner: last minutes together

Constantly working side by side with pet buyers, breeders, we voluntarily do not become witnesses of their personal joys, emotions, hardships. Today we want to tell you the sad, but instructive story of our user.

Everything you wanted to know about dog mating

Everything you wanted to know about dog mating

We answer the questions, what heat and what day to knit a dog, and also how to properly care for it after the “wedding”.

False pregnancy in cats: symptoms, causes, treatment

False pregnancy in cats: symptoms, causes, treatment

False pregnancy in cats is quite rare and requires close attention. Let's figure it out together what it is and how to deal with it.

Heat in dogs: how long does it take, dog behavior, mating

Heat in dogs: how long does it take, dog behavior, mating

Heat in dogs (girls) is a normal physiological phenomenon, which indicates the ability of the animal to carry puppies. We figure out how to recognize it, how long it lasts and on what day you can knit.

How many kittens give birth to cats of different breeds?

How many kittens give birth to cats of different breeds?

Want to know how many kittens your cat gives birth to? Then you should definitely get acquainted with our table, where the number of kittens in cats is conveniently distributed among breeds.

How many puppies give birth to dogs of different breeds?

How many puppies give birth to dogs of different breeds?

Not sure how many puppies a dog gives birth to? How many puppies are in the litter of a particular breed? This article will help you deal with this important aspect of the continuation of the genus of the four-legged.

Knitting a cat: how to get healthy offspring?

Knitting a cat: how to get healthy offspring?

Before you find a cat or a cat for mating, learn important nuances about this process. All the subtleties of "cat's wedding" - in this material.

Mastitis in cats, dogs: symptoms, treatment

Mastitis in cats, dogs: symptoms, treatment

Read the new article to learn about mastitis in cats and dogs. We’ll tell you all about the symptoms and treatment options for mastitis.

Sterilization of cats. Cat care after sterilization

Sterilization of cats. Cat care after sterilization

Want to know more about cat sterilization? About how the cat feels after sterilization and how to care for her? Visit to read more about this procedure.