Mixed-breed dog

A beautiful, intelligent and dedicated dog does not have to be pedigreed. It is enough to shelter a pooch and get yourself the most faithful friend.

  • Origin -, Growth -, Weight -
  • Lifespan 15-20 years


Wool length



Mind and wit



Voted: 9


Name of the breed: Mixed-breed dog

Fit for allergics: No

For families with children: Yes

Difficulty of care: No

Dog guard: Yes

Guide-dog: Yes

Ability to train: Yes

Interesting Facts Interesting Facts

  1. Belka and Strelka, perhaps the most famous dogs that have been in space, are purebred dogs.
  2. Often the curs became the key characters of works of art. So, for example, Sharik from the story “Uncle Fyodor, the dog and the cat”, the key hero of “The Dog's Heart”, Chekhovskaya Kashtanka are mongrel dogs. All this points to the fact of the amazing sympathy of people for such clever and devoted animals.

    dog in leaves

  3. In Russia, in cities such as Moscow, Tyumen, Vologda and Kemerovo, statues of yard dogs were installed.
  4. Sergey Yesenin, like many other famous personalities in the field of art, treats “mongrels” with particular trepidation, since they are familiar with the difficulties of our world, and therefore are the kindest and most faithful. Plus, they perfectly illustrate the well-known expression: “Do not judge a book by its cover.”

Pros and cons of purebred dogs Pros and cons of purebred dogs

You can talk endlessly about what dogs are good for, but we will try to briefly focus on their main advantages:

Good health due to diverse genes and natural selection.

The devotion of these four-legged ones is unshakable, as they will always be grateful to the owner for a cozy, warm new home.

Lack of fastidiousness in the issue of nutrition.

Each purebred dog is truly unique in its exterior.

Longer life due to good health and immunity.

But of course, even taking into account all the above advantages of mongrel dogs, one should not turn a blind eye to their minuses:

The unpredictability of how the dog will grow frightens many, because at puppy age it is impossible to say exactly what parameters the animal will have, features, coat is impossible.

Along with the statement about the high level of health of these quadrupeds, one should not forget that they may have any genetic diseases that the owners will only learn after the fact.

Possible aggression in the character due to the severity and cruelty of the world. A dog can be quite difficult to start trusting people.

Health Health

As mentioned above, purebred dogs are famous for their health and immunity. This fact has a logical explanation.

In order to breed any breed of dogs, people often resorted to crossing their kindred representatives. This affected the fact that the harmful gene was firmly introduced into dog's DNA and caused a number of genetic abnormalities or diseases. In yard dogs, the possibilities for crossing are wider, in connection with which harmful genes are sifted out, and the offspring become stronger.

Also, do not forget about the natural selection. Living on the street, in severe weather conditions, being in constant search for at least some kind of food, only the strongest individuals survived in the literal sense.

How many yard dogs live? How many yard dogs live?

Based on the previous paragraph of the article, we can conclude that a purebred dog, as a rule, has good health. Of course, this increases its lifespan.

In the United States, a study was conducted according to which yard dogs live about 2 years longer than their purebred counterparts.

What to feed the yard dog? What to feed the yard dog?

Making a diet for such a pet is not difficult at all. The main condition is that it is healthy, healthy and balanced. To this end, it is recommended to include the following products:

Meat and meat offal

Various cereals




This is the base, combining with each other, you can always offer your pet not only tasty, but also healthy dishes.

It is recommended to exclude flour, sweet, too fat and spicy.

Sausages and sausages that people so much like to offer to domestic dogs do not carry anything useful in themselves, but only preservatives that will harm the body of an animal. So the question of how to feed a yard dog can be answered quite simply: with useful and natural products!

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Наталья Оргельц    17 July 2019 - 14:00

Это самые лучшие собаки! И не надо собаке породность, нужно правильно воспитать друга. Спасибо за статью.

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