I will give a special dog in good hands Sell

№ 4468
Uploaded 2019-12-23
Updated on 2019-12-23
Russian Federation, Cherepovets Show map
This girl is very urgently looking for her family.

Breed Non-pedigree Dogs

Male/Female Female

Age 4 Years 8 Months

Is free USD
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Seller: София

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She caught our eye by chance. A month ago, when we went to visit our great-grandmother on the Volga. Eating the roots of trees somewhere near the roadway, staggering and not seeing anything, fell at our feet. We drove her to the vet clinic with the thought - do not get out. And she got out before us. After examination, Jess found abnormalities in the brain stem. As the doctors suggest, the baby was ill with a nervous plague when she was with her mother. As a result, Jesse can occasionally get lost in space (it does not cause any inconvenience to her). Can you imagine how strong this dog is Overcome such a virus alone! Outside! Now Jess lives an ordinary life, like all her peers. We cured frostbite, treated for parasites, recovered, in general, in full. But without a master, her chances of surviving on the street, unlike healthy relatives, are very small, as this dog needs more than just a master. She needs support and support in the face of a person for life. This is a special dog. Do you understand Neither sick nor contagious. She is special. Jess sees the world differently. It reacts differently to some things. Its not her fault that she was born like that. It's nobody's fault. Jesse is very human oriented. She is sooo gentle and calm baby. She will not be a pocket dog or a dog with hundreds of rewards. Ordinary mutt. Strong mongrel. With the largest and most faithful dog heart, in which there is not a single gram of anger or resentment for life and those who once passed by. She gets along with cats and other dogs. Perfectly rides in a car. She feels great in the company of children. Accustomed to a leash. She responds well to intonation. Jess knows his place. We will pay her sterilization in the future. For the rest of my life I promise to be the godparents of this girl! Due to circumstances, we cannot leave it to ourselves. Therefore, we are looking for her family. A family where they will never be betrayed or abandoned. I know that hundreds need a family. To thousands. To the children. To the dogs. Cats. And to her. If your heart beats more often at the sight of this girl, please write or call at any time of the day or night from anywhere in the world, because she is looking for her home.  P.S. - and the New Year is coming soon. A time when miracles happen. And can I now make one wish for not After all, this is the first New Year in her life. Baby, I wish you a happy long life in the family, who will see you in 2019 and decide that you are their dog. 2020 you will meet at home

Extra options:

Breed of dog Non-pedigree Dogs

Male/Female Female

Dog color sable

Ad type Private announcement

Pet class Pet

Veterinary passport Yes

Tests No

Dog's title No

Titres Yes

Stigma No

Chip No

Pet delivery Yes

After Sales Consultation Yes

Age 4 Years 8 Months

Announcement № 4468 of the sale of a pet of the breed Non-pedigree Dogs of the seller София in the city of Cherepovets, Russian Federation. The seller София has 40140 views, 0 reviews and rating 0 of 5. This user added 1 announcements about selling pets. You can clarify all the details and contact the seller on the ad "I will give a special dog in good hands" through the Online-consultant or feedback.
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  Services – Divery If you like a cat or a dog from another country, professional couriers will help you to deliver it to your region. You can find their offers with prices in the category "Services – Pet Delivery".

Today it is normal to buy a pet from another country, because sometimes it is difficult to find a dog or a cat with a good price and pedigree in your region. There is no borders in process of searching for the perfect pet and an established system of delivery of pets by courier, car, air, cargo or any other way will help you.

To send a pet abroad, you must prepare it in advance, namely:

  • complete vaccination against viral diseases
  • vaccination against rabies (some countries require additional analysis of antibodies to rabies)
  • install microchip
  • get an international certificate for departure
In our article "Rules of the transportation of pets" you can find more detailed information on the types and nuances of pet delivery.

Choose your perfect pet, blurring the lines, with"Petglobals.com"

Pet Globals

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