"GHEDA Proper Form Professional Breeders" dog food

№ 4238
Uploaded 2019-12-09
Updated on 2019-12-09
Russian Federation, St. Petersburg Show map
"GHEDA Proper Form Professional Breeders" Italian dog food

Pet Dogs, Cats

Type of food Kibble

The country of manufacture Italy

Price: negotiated USD
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Seller: Диана

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Super premium quality professional feed ProperForm's feed formula has been made even better specifically for different breeds of dogs, taking into account all categories of breeds. This feed meets even more requirements than before, divided into Type 1 and 2, as indicated in the following tables. Thanks to the Proper Form, the features of each breed group are revealed. Development of an individual nutrition profile in two original directions: 1 - kinotechnical approach, thanks to which all animals can be divided into two original types according to their age, sex, breeding stages, and activity: TYPE 1 (adult females, puppies and juniors) and TYPE 2 (adult males and active adult males / bitches) 2 - kinognostic approach, thanks to which the rocks can be divided according to morphological type and functional use into main groups. Well-chosen according to the type and characteristics of the breed, according to age, physical activity and keeping conditions in which the dog is at various stages of his life: TOYS -BRACCOID-LUPOID- LUPOID Nordic & Oriental- MOLOSSOID These groups include animals, which, even subject to drastic differences, have common morphological characteristics, or have a similar morphological origin. TOYS The TOYS group includes breeds with the following characteristics: dogs that have always been treated as companion dogs, and therefore live a human-like life, while being small or even mini-sized. It is impossible for them to make a morphological description similar to other groups, since there are various types concerning both the general structure of the body and the structure of the animal’s head. BRACCOID Dogs from the BRACCOID group include breeds with the following characteristics: a head shape similar to a triangle; muzzle with parallel sides; large ears, flat cheeks; large upper lips covering the lower jaw. LUPOID The dog of the LUPOID group includes breeds with the following characteristics: pyramid-shaped head, ratio of muzzle length to ear length 1: 1; direct posture; small and tightly closed upper lips that do not hang over the jaw. Nordic Lupoid: suitable for cold climates, small ears, very thick and thick six, characterized by a thick undercoat. LUPOID NORDIC & ORIENTAL The dog of the LUPOID NORDIC & ORIENTAL group includes breeds with the following characteristics: pyramid-shaped head, ratio of muzzle length to ear length 1: 1; straight back; small and tightly closed upper lips that do not hang over the jaw. It feels great in a cold climate thanks to small ears, very thick and thick six, characterized by a dense undercoat. MOLOSSOID The MOLOSSOID group of dogs includes breeds with the following characteristics: cubic or round powerful head; short muzzle; small and saggy ears; long and thick upper lips, dense and strong body.

Extra options:

Pet Dogs, Cats

Type of food Kibble

The country of manufacture Italy

Power type Veterinary feed, Daily feed, For kittens, For puppies, For adults, For castrated pets, For older pets, For breeds, For allergy pets

Announcement № 4238 of the sale of a pet of the breed of the seller Диана in the city of St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. The seller Диана has 40619 views, 0 reviews and rating 5 of 5. This user added 3 announcements about selling pets. You can clarify all the details and contact the seller on the ad ""GHEDA Proper Form Professional Breeders" dog food" through the Online-consultant or feedback.
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  Services – Divery If you like a cat or a dog from another country, professional couriers will help you to deliver it to your region. You can find their offers with prices in the category "Services – Pet Delivery".

Today it is normal to buy a pet from another country, because sometimes it is difficult to find a dog or a cat with a good price and pedigree in your region. There is no borders in process of searching for the perfect pet and an established system of delivery of pets by courier, car, air, cargo or any other way will help you.

To send a pet abroad, you must prepare it in advance, namely:

  • complete vaccination against viral diseases
  • vaccination against rabies (some countries require additional analysis of antibodies to rabies)
  • install microchip
  • get an international certificate for departure
In our article "Rules of the transportation of pets" you can find more detailed information on the types and nuances of pet delivery.

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