Breed Maltipu
Male/Female Male, Female
Pedigree ABKC
Age 11 Months 11 days
- Total: 6733
- Yesterday: 27
- Today: 13
Are darling girl snowie has had the the most amazing litter of maltipoo puppies.
Mums doing great . We are very proud of her she’s nursed these little babies so well. She’s been a wonderful mother.
She’s are family pet snowie she’s a Maltese . She’s very smart and intelligent dog she’s great with kids and other dogs.
The father to the puppies is a red
Miniature poodle. He has the perfect body condition for his breed. He is also great with kids he is raised in a family home and great with other dogs. He as been tested and negative of all nasty diseases.
Degenerative Myelopathy Clear
Gangliosidosis GM2. Clear
Neonatal encephalopathy with seizures Clear
Osteochondrodysplasia. Clear
Progressive Retinal Atrophy Clear
Rod cone dyslexia 4 Clear
Progressive Retinal Atrophy Clear
Von willebrand Disease I. Clear
All he’s paperwork is hear to be seen.
Puppies are ready to leave for their forever homes. Puppies will be vaccinated, health, checked, wormed and micro chipped. Everything is up-to-date at eight weeks. They are starting to show their own personalities. they have all got great character. very playful little bundles of fluff. They are adorable they are very smart. They have started puppy training and it’s going well . They have been weaned off mum. And thriving on their puppy food. we are very proud of are puppies. We have done our very best for these little babies to give them the best possible start in life . We will not be selling to any one . I am sorry if I feel you’re not suited for our puppies.
They are a beautiful mix of Maltese and poodle I can see so much of ther mum and they have their dads cleverness.
These beautiful little babies deserve nothing, but the best in their new homes, and that’s what I aim to find. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate you can call or wassapp or text
Look forward to hearing from you
Extra options:
Breed of dog Maltipu
Male/Female Male, Female
Ad type Private announcement
Pet class Pet
Dog's pedigree ABKC (The American Bully kennel Club)
Veterinary passport Yes
Tests Yes
Dog's title Yes
Titres Yes
Stigma Yes
Chip Yes
Accustomed to the toilet Yes
Pet delivery Yes
Age 11 Months 11 days
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If you like a cat or a dog from another country, professional couriers will help you to deliver it to your region. You can find their offers with prices in the category "Services – Pet Delivery".
Today it is normal to buy a pet from another country, because sometimes it is difficult to find a dog or a cat with a good price and pedigree in your region. There is no borders in process of searching for the perfect pet and an established system of delivery of pets by courier, car, air, cargo or any other way will help you.To send a pet abroad, you must prepare it in advance, namely:
- complete vaccination against viral diseases
- vaccination against rabies (some countries require additional analysis of antibodies to rabies)
- install microchip
- get an international certificate for departure
Be careful and don't become a victim of scammers!
PetGlobals strongly recommends making payment/prepayment only after providing all necessary documents! (certificates, licenses, passport data, etc.). Make an online video call (Telegram, WhatsApp, Skype, Viber, etc.) with the seller and ask to show themselves and the pet - as a rule, scammers have nothing!
We recommend that you additionally study the seller's data through the GOOGLE search engine, social networks, and other services!
Choose your perfect pet, blurring the lines, with""
Breed: Maltipu
Wool length
Mind and wit
- Origin of USA
- Growth 20 - 40 cm.
- Weight 1 - 3 kg.
- Lifespan 10-15 years
The Maltipu breed dog is not recognized by any felinological organization. Find out why from our article.
PetGlobals recommends to use the built-in chat for quick communication!