Breed Golden Retriever
Male/Female Male, Female
Age 1 Years 0 Months
Seller: Dr Danlontic
- Total: 7814
- Yesterday: 18
- Today: 10
Reinrassige Golden Retriever-Welpen zu verkaufen
Diese Welpen werden mit einem tierärztlichen Gesundheitscheckzertifikat und einem Mikrochip geliefert, der mit einer ersten Floh- und Wurmimpfung behandelt wird
Aufgewachsen bei uns zu Hause, sozialisiert mit Kindern und anderen Hunden. Die Eltern sind Assistenzhunde und sehr ruhige, sanfte und kluge Hunde. Vorheriger Wurf ging alle in die Welt der Diensthunde und es geht ihnen allen sehr gut. Wir heißen Besucher willkommen und würden uns freuen, Ihnen die Hundefamilie von Mama, Papa und Oma vorzustellen, damit Sie ihre sanfte, ruhige Art selbst erleben können. Alle Fragen sind willkommen
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Extra options:
Breed of dog Golden Retriever
Male/Female Male, Female
Dog color brindle
Ad type Private announcement
Age 1 Years 0 Months
PetGlobals recommends to use the built-in chat for quick communication!
If you like a cat or a dog from another country, professional couriers will help you to deliver it to your region. You can find their offers with prices in the category "Services – Pet Delivery".
Today it is normal to buy a pet from another country, because sometimes it is difficult to find a dog or a cat with a good price and pedigree in your region. There is no borders in process of searching for the perfect pet and an established system of delivery of pets by courier, car, air, cargo or any other way will help you.To send a pet abroad, you must prepare it in advance, namely:
- complete vaccination against viral diseases
- vaccination against rabies (some countries require additional analysis of antibodies to rabies)
- install microchip
- get an international certificate for departure
Be careful and don't become a victim of scammers!
PetGlobals strongly recommends making payment/prepayment only after providing all necessary documents! (certificates, licenses, passport data, etc.). Make an online video call (Telegram, WhatsApp, Skype, Viber, etc.) with the seller and ask to show themselves and the pet - as a rule, scammers have nothing!
We recommend that you additionally study the seller's data through the GOOGLE search engine, social networks, and other services!
Choose your perfect pet, blurring the lines, with""
Breed: Golden Retriever
Wool length
Mind and wit
- Origin United Kingdom
- Growth 30 - 60 сm.
- Weight 20 - 50 kg.
- Lifespan 10-15 years
The Golden Retriever is an ideal family dog. Choosing a representative of this breed, you will get not just a pet, but a real friend, an assistant, companion, who will always be loyal to his masters.
PetGlobals recommends to use the built-in chat for quick communication!