Breed Pug
Age 5 Years 4 Months

- +79229824389
- +79229824389
- +79229824389
Seller: Елена
- Total: 47243
- Yesterday: 23
- Today: 23
Готовы к продаже элитные щенки мопса из питомника "ГАЛАКТИКА МОПС". Прошли актировку. Зубы 6 на 6. У кобеля комплект! Вс по стандарту породы!!!
1 мальчик чрный и 2 девочки беж. Папа щенков LIVING IN LOVE JETAIME DARK SAPFIR - молодой кобель чрного окраса ЮЧР, ЮЧРКФ, ЮЧНКП, ЮГранд Чемпион России. Проверенный по тестам PDE N/N от родителей мультичемпионов!
мама- Мишель имеет 3 САС, КЧР, ЧРКФ.
Крови Америки и Бразилии! Щенки высокого класса перспективные для шоу и разведения. Документы на щенков готовы!
осталась 2 девочки и 1 мальчик!) Сделана первая прививка! Все щенки чипированы! Документы готовы!!!
Extra options:
Breed of dog Pug
Ad type From nursery
Age 5 Years 4 Months

PetGlobals recommends to use the built-in chat for quick communication!
If you like a cat or a dog from another country, professional couriers will help you to deliver it to your region. You can find their offers with prices in the category "Services – Pet Delivery".
To send a pet abroad, you must prepare it in advance, namely:
- complete vaccination against viral diseases
- vaccination against rabies (some countries require additional analysis of antibodies to rabies)
- install microchip
- get an international certificate for departure
Be careful and don't become a victim of scammers!
PetGlobals strongly recommends making payment/prepayment only after providing all necessary documents! (certificates, licenses, passport data, etc.). Make an online video call (Telegram, WhatsApp, Skype, Viber, etc.) with the seller and ask to show themselves and the pet - as a rule, scammers have nothing!
We recommend that you additionally study the seller's data through the GOOGLE search engine, social networks, and other services!
Choose your perfect pet, blurring the lines, with""
Breed: Pug

Wool length
Mind and wit
- Origin China
- Growth 20 - 40 cm.
- Weight 6 - 10 kg.
- Lifespan 10-15 years
Pug is a great choice for those who are looking for a true friend. This article contains the opinion of experts about its content and upbringing, which will once again convince you of this.

PetGlobals recommends to use the built-in chat for quick communication!